You absolutely made a glib comment that was dismissive of complaints about that meme. That’s why I chose to respond to you.
“Politicians who are corrupt and use their position for self gain are wrong to do so.”
“McCain-Feingold was terrible legislation that was rightly held to be unconstitutional.”
Are two contradictory philosophies. It wasn’t a panacea for the stated problem but it was a step in the right direction that could have gained momentum.
As far as whether it was constitutional, I have a ton of respect for Anthony Kennedy but Citizens United remains one of the worst decisions of the 21st century, so far. There are several glaring problems with that case on a purely legal, nonpartisan basis.
I’m not disputing his record on war. I’m saying he was decent, not perfect. The need to make everything or everyone black or white is what leads to people making crap up.