This is not normal: Trump's tweet storm

You call expecting a President to adhere to norms of decency as being "idealistic"? I guess expecting a President to not payoff strippers just before an election with campaign funds is being "idealistic" as well? Trump is a lowlife.
I wouldn't put it past him to have probably paid her off. My question to you would be how in the hell do you know it was campaign funds and not just the cash from under a sofa cushion? I've asked this several times before but all I get is crickets...
I wouldn't put it past him to have probably paid her off. My question to you would be how in the hell do you know it was campaign funds and not just the cash from under a sofa cushion? I've asked this several times before but all I get is crickets...
And if Mueller offers proof that it was campaign funds?
McCain should be praised for his sacrifice in service to his country.

That does not give him a lifetime pass for some of his behavior.

His promulgation of the Steele dossier reflects poorly on his character, just as Trump's reaction to McCain's role in it does as well.

Neither gets a pass, shame on them both.

Sen. John McCain's role in Trump dossier intrigue detailed in deposition

Agree with what you said except for the Steele thing. Anybody in possession of that at the time had an obligation to turn it over to the FBI. It needed to be investigated.

Media is a different story and it strains credulity that Kramer didn’t expect it to get out, but by January, what difference did it make?
You call expecting a President to adhere to norms of decency as being "idealistic"? I guess expecting a President to not payoff strippers just before an election with campaign funds is being "idealistic" as well? Trump is a lowlife.

This thread:
John McCain is a lowlife.

Also this thread:
People expect too much of Donald Trump.

Agree with what you said except for the Steele thing. Anybody in possession of that at the time had an obligation to turn it over to the FBI. It needed to be investigated.

Media is a different story and it strains credulity that Kramer didn’t expect it to get out, but by January, what difference did it make?

I'd bet dollars to doughnuts McCain knew the dossier was crap, he was shopping it around to get someone to take the lead on it so he could claim he knew nothing about it.
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I'd bet dollars to doughnuts McCain knew the dossier was crap, he was shopping it around to get someone to take the lead on it so he could claim he knew nothing about it.
He didn't shop it around. He took it to the FBI.... and the dossier wasn't crap. It's thesis was that Russia meddled in the 2016 Presidential election in order to assist Trump's candidacy... and they did.
I'd bet dollars to doughnuts McCain knew the dossier was crap, he was shopping it around to get someone to take the lead on it so he could claim he knew nothing about it.
Yeah, because Donald Trump’s obvious moral fiber made it safe to assume that nothing in there would ever turn out to be true...

Even if you assume he acted purely out of self interest or only acted because his personal interests aligned with national interests, what happens to McCain of it gets verified and it comes out that he had it and sat on it?

That sounds a lot like the exact thing you guys **** on the Obama DOJ for doing for “Killary.”

Speaking of Killary, assuming you’re 100% right about every single thing you just said, which I seriously doubt, he only did the exact same thing the Trump camp did with respect to Hillary’s health and Seth Rich and a hundred other whackadoo conspiracy theories that you’ve probably dismissed or applauded.

It’s like a Thanksgiving turducken of double standards.
Agree with what you said except for the Steele thing. Anybody in possession of that at the time had an obligation to turn it over to the FBI. It needed to be investigated.

Media is a different story and it strains credulity that Kramer didn’t expect it to get out, but by January, what difference did it make?
And a fine job the FBI did "investigating" it. Using an unvetted dossier to get a FISA warrant, to spy on a member of a Presidential candidate's campaign without letting the FISA judge know that it was paid for by the opposition candidate and that it was unverified. How many procedures were broken there?

As far as 'turning it over to the FBI", do politicians turn over all the "trash" they receive regarding any candidate without checking it out first? If so, there surely must be a ton submitted about the Clinton's, no? A fine job the FBI has done investigating her. Compare her standard of investigation to that of say, Michael Flynn. . .

IYAM, I think McCain gleefully brought this stuff forward due to the animus he had regarding Trump. This was not a call of duty but a petty, "gotcha".
Yeah, because Donald Trump’s obvious moral fiber made it safe to assume that nothing in there would ever turn out to be true...

Even if you assume he acted purely out of self interest or only acted because his personal interests aligned with national interests, what happens to McCain of it gets verified and it comes out that he had it and sat on it?

That sounds a lot like the exact thing you guys **** on the Obama DOJ for doing for “Killary.”

Speaking of Killary, assuming you’re 100% right about every single thing you just said, which I seriously doubt, he only did the exact same thing the Trump camp did with respect to Hillary’s health and Seth Rich and a hundred other whackadoo conspiracy theories that you’ve probably dismissed or applauded.

It’s like a Thanksgiving turducken of double standards.

There was no chance anything in the dossier was going to be verified and McCain knew that, there was no concern for national security in his actions.

Speaking of "Killary" find one other post of mine where I have used that nickname, just one. And no he didn't McCain was an active participant in trying to subvert an at the least an election at worst a duly elected president. Hell the man went back on damn near everything he claimed to stand for once Trump was elected and you want to claim he had any character left?
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My thoughts- John McCain was wrong to pass along the Steele Dossier. He basically served as an agent for the Dems in doing so. The Steele Dossier itself was funded surreptitiously by the Democrats. Yes, the Russians attempted to interfere with the election through online propaganda, but nothing in the dossier, nor anything since, has linked Trump to Russian efforts. IMO, the dossier itself was a Democratic attempt to strike at Trump while offering no discernible proof.

But, I also think Trump is wrong to attack McCain, a man who is beyond being able to defend himself. What does it accomplish other than bringing pain to McCain's loved ones? It's crass, and not necessary.
And a fine job the FBI did "investigating" it. Using an unvetted dossier to get a FISA warrant, to spy on a member of a Presidential candidate's campaign without letting the FISA judge know that it was paid for by the opposition candidate and that it was unverified. How many procedures were broken there?

As far as 'turning it over to the FBI", do politicians turn over all the "trash" they receive regarding any candidate without checking it out first? If so, there surely must be a ton submitted about the Clinton's, no? A fine job the FBI has done investigating her. Compare her standard of investigation to that of say, Michael Flynn. . .

IYAM, I think McCain gleefully brought this stuff forward due to the animus he had regarding Trump. This was not a call of duty but a petty, "gotcha".

Are you blaming the FBI’s policy violations on McCain as well?

As I said to Hog, I find it interesting that you guys gripe about the Obama DOJ sitting on evidence and effectively nolle’ing charges against Hillary, but apparently expected McCain to do the same?

It may have been “gotcha” but that seems to be based entirely on speculation.
Are you blaming the FBI’s policy violations on McCain as well?

As I said to Hog, I find it interesting that you guys gripe about the Obama DOJ sitting on evidence and effectively nolle’ing charges against Hillary, but apparently expected McCain to do the same?

It may have been “gotcha” but that seems to be based entirely on speculation.
Only the Steele Dossier wasn't evidence. That seems to be where your disconnect is.
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There was no chance anything in the dossier was going to be verified and McCain knew that, there was no concern for national security in his actions.

Speaking of "Killary" find one other post of mine where I have used that nickname, just one. And no he didn't McCain was an active participant in trying to subvert an at the least an election at worst a duly elected president. Hell the man went back on damn near everything he claimed to stand for once Trump was elected and you want to claim he had any character left?

Didn’t say you had used it, but it’s clearly not been an issue for you, you’re not going around grumping about what a sleazy toolbag Trump is like you have been today about McCain.

Disagree about the dossier. I would have forwarded that thing to the FBI so fast it would have caused a static charge that erased all of the sleazy text messages. Hey wait, maybe McCain erased their text messages!

(I didn’t ignore you a few posts back. I want to look into some things you said about the unions and BCRA. And I can’t do it until later. Can’t promise I won’t forget but not dodging it.)
Are you blaming the FBI’s policy violations on McCain as well?

As I said to Hog, I find it interesting that you guys gripe about the Obama DOJ sitting on evidence and effectively nolle’ing charges against Hillary, but apparently expected McCain to do the same?

It may have been “gotcha” but that seems to be based entirely on speculation.

Completely two different subjects. You also ignore the fact McCain shopped the dossier to the media trying to get it distributed BEFORE the election. yeah, sure you could maybe play it off an his desire for national security if he ONLY gave it to the FBI but shopping it around to different media outlets blows that out of the water.
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