It would be great if you would answer the questions. The goalposts were not moved. You simply cannot answer the questions and used a dumb move to try and get out. There is no answer on the consistent issues that the coach has had at this school. Yes, others have done so at this school as pointed out, but you cannot explain why over this coach's tenure, this has happened pretty darn often.
I understand you like him better than basically all the others except 1 in my opinion. Who doesn't? However, that is not what my comments were about. Again, you cannot answer the questions so you dismiss them.
Everybody who pays a bit of attention to basketball or other sports can see that great coaching gets consistently good results with good talent and does not see let downs too often.
Nevertheless, go ahead and feel great about yourself and ignore the the thread, but you are not answering why such a talented team often has problems finishing, which is winning. You have 69,000+ plus posts of your great knowledge. Please dispense it instead of blaming others for you not answering.