Tiffany's Thread (updates and prayers, and a place where she can smack Joe in public when he needs it :)

She was texting a bit more tonight than she has the past 2 nights. She was just constantly so tired she couldn't do much. Saud she feels a little better, but had a headache, probably side effects of all the medications. They're gonna change those tubes tomorrow, I'm a little concerned, so you guys say a prayer for her.
πŸ™ πŸ™for ALL your family. This is too, too muchπŸ™
When she started waking up after that procedure, she told me call her mom and tell her she was okay. That's what we'd always done before. She realized what she'd said, and started crying saying she missed her. Broke my heart for her.
Finally got the other room finished. Just got the bed up, then all of our stuff back in our closet. Still gotta straighten up my little desk, but overall it's done. I'm closing in, gotta do the rest with kilz, then paint. Change the front door and shutters, and I'm finished!

other than painting the garage πŸ˜…
Finally got the other room finished. Just got the bed up, then all of our stuff back in our closet. Still gotta straighten up my little desk, but overall it's done. I'm closing in, gotta do the rest with kilz, then paint. Change the front door and shutters, and I'm finished!

other than painting the garage πŸ˜…
View attachment 654775
That's gorgeous!
Finally got the other room finished. Just got the bed up, then all of our stuff back in our closet. Still gotta straighten up my little desk, but overall it's done. I'm closing in, gotta do the rest with kilz, then paint. Change the front door and shutters, and I'm finished!

other than painting the garage πŸ˜…
View attachment 654775
one deez mite be a better fit for you and it'd save some space:

Mayo called her, and they definitely are going to try and help. We'd have to go up for several data, probably go Monday through Friday on my short week. It'd be for testing, labs, and to see their Dr's when the testing is finished to determine the plan. They said they'd likely schedule a surgery then, and We'd go back for that.
Mayo called her, and they definitely are going to try and help. We'd have to go up for several data, probably go Monday through Friday on my short week. It'd be for testing, labs, and to see their Dr's when the testing is finished to determine the plan. They said they'd likely schedule a surgery then, and We'd go back for that.
Wow!!! 37th time lucky, I hope! πŸ™πŸ»πŸ€žπŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ€žπŸ»πŸ™πŸ»
Mayo called her, and they definitely are going to try and help. We'd have to go up for several data, probably go Monday through Friday on my short week. It'd be for testing, labs, and to see their Dr's when the testing is finished to determine the plan. They said they'd likely schedule a surgery then, and We'd go back for that.

Aren't you short every week....

All seriousness I'm hopeful they find a way to help her out..
Mayo called her, and they definitely are going to try and help. We'd have to go up for several data, probably go Monday through Friday on my short week. It'd be for testing, labs, and to see their Dr's when the testing is finished to determine the plan. They said they'd likely schedule a surgery then, and We'd go back for that.
God, please.

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