Tiffany's Thread (updates and prayers, and a place where she can smack Joe in public when he needs it :)

Today is free, that's why we booked so early, to explore. Tomorrow is the infectious disease Dr appointment at 8, then preop for the procedure Thursday. They want to go in themselves with a camera, and see everything with their own eyes, instead of just the report. They're gonna try to work her in with theur neurologist, but said one in Georgia is fine if they can't, because that hasn't really got anything to do with the main issues. They're just concerned she's still having trouble walking. We're in cannon falls right now, not much of a falls, but she wanted to see it if possible. Thankfully, it's literally right across from the parking area. We're gonna walk over when she finishes the antibiotics, we sitting in the car dripping 😅
If you didn't eat all her food she would have the strength to stand.
Today is free, that's why we booked so early, to explore. Tomorrow is the infectious disease Dr appointment at 8, then preop for the procedure Thursday. They want to go in themselves with a camera, and see everything with their own eyes, instead of just the report. They're gonna try to work her in with theur neurologist, but said one in Georgia is fine if they can't, because that hasn't really got anything to do with the main issues. They're just concerned she's still having trouble walking. We're in cannon falls right now, not much of a falls, but she wanted to see it if possible. Thankfully, it's literally right across from the parking area. We're gonna walk over when she finishes the antibiotics, we sitting in the car dripping 😅
🙏🏻👍🏻🙏🏻👍🏻🙏🏻 that you head home with a Tiffany feeling 100% better and healthier!!
I forgot to mention this, jus5 thought it was pretty cool. There was a man and his grandson who came by where i was fishing yesterday. We got to talking, and ended up talking about why i was up here, and i told him about Tiffany. He said he'd be praying, but also gave me his information. Said if we need anything, this time or if we come back, to reach out, and he'd do his best to help. I'd never want to bother anyone, especially a stranger, but thought it was cool that a stranger would just be that way towards us. Idk, maybe sounds silly to most, but it was just like another reassurance from God that he's got us in this.

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