Time to Fire Up a Biden is a Liar Thread

We are less than two weeks in to Biden's first term. If "immediately" is the best you can do for a lie, that isn't saying much. "Immediately" is a relative term... which is open to interpretation.

I am just somewhat shocked people would sell their souls and future for $2K. Hell, if I wanted a new Sony, I would just join the mob at Target
There’s nothing relative about the term “immediately”. He signed a s**load of EOs immediately after taking office. He said $2k would come immediately after taking office. Guess which has happened and which hasn’t?
Wrong. "Immediately" is not time specific. It is relative and open to interpretation... it can mean in the first week, or it can mean in the first month.
There’s nothing relative about the term “immediately”. He signed a s**load of EOs immediately after taking office. He said $2k would come immediately after taking office. Guess which has happened and which hasn’t?

Come on man...more important stuff like killing Keystone XL and allowing men to play women collegiate sports
I am just somewhat shocked people would sell their souls and future for $2K. Hell, if I wanted a new Sony, I would just join the mob at Target
I'm not shocked that Republicans are suddenly placing importance on being fiscally responsible again. Where was this the last four years?
I'm not shocked that Republicans are suddenly placing importance on being fiscally responsible again. Where was this the last four years?

There is fiscal irreponsibility and then there is recklessness. I am actually glad he lied. You on board if the $2K does not go out or you support Schumer's $2T bill?
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Does "immediately" mean within 2 weeks... or is it relative? You are splitting hairs.... and we will never have a bigger liar in the Oval Office than the idiot who was just kicked out of it.
. I see that you still have a major problem admitting that your savior is pathological liar. We have this conversation before and you still are unable
I'm not sure why you're picking that out when I literally listed SEVERAL things he's lied about.
I’d give up if I was you volman. He’s just a troll that’s trying to start something. He’s not worth time and trouble.
I am writing to tender my resignation effective immediately. My last day will July 1, 2021. I look forward to helping with the transition to the candidate selected to fill my position.

All the best,

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What lies? Anyway, I bet you believe only those making $400k will see tax increases. 🤣😂

Are you seriously insinuating that Trump isn't a pathological liar? We could sit here all day and talk about his lies about the election alone. Honestly, I don't even prefer to discuss Trump at this point because 1) he's not the POTUS anymore and 2) I've been doing it for four years, but since you asked, here's some of his lies. I'm equal opportunity when it comes to calling out lying politicians. :D

Size of his inauguration crowd
Said he actually won the popular vote of the 2016 election, but lost it due to fraud. Even made a bogus panel on that issue that found nothing
Claimed he got VA Choice passed
Windmills cause cancer
Mexico will pay for the wall
Said he would repeal and replace Obamacare "on day one". (This is similar to the "checks will go out the door immediately" lie from Biden we are talking about)
When he was first elected, he said the murder rate in the US was the highest it had been in almost 50 years (not even close)
Said Obama wire-tapped him
At one point in his first year, he said he had signed more bills than any POTUS ever
Said he immediately deployed the National Guard to the Capitol on 1/6; it's well known the initial request was refused by him
Said Biden would strip pre-existing condition protecting in healthcare, even though he was part of the administration that got it passed, and Trump actively sought to repeal the bill that provided the protections.
That he won the election (that's sort of a big one)
Repeatedly said he would provide evidence that he not only won but that he won in a 'landslide', which he never did
Said the VP could reject the EC vote (another big one)
Said he didn't know about the Stormy Daniels hush money (his signature was on the check)
Said almost 5k out of state voters voted in the Georgia election
Said 2,500 people in prison voted in Georgia
Said 36,000 votes were illegally cast in Arizona
Said 8k dead people voted in Pennsylvania (there were a couple of known cases of this happening ... and they actually voted for Trump)
Said 14k out of state voters voted in Pennsylvania
Said 10k ballots that arrived after Election Day in PAwere 'illegally counted' (This was actually legally allowed per the PA Supreme Court, but in the end those votes were counted but kept separate from the count due to pending litigation in the SCOTUS, and wound up not even being included in the certified count)
Said 8k people from out of state voted in Nevada
Said Detroit's turnout was over the amount of registered voters in the city, when in reality turnout was around 50% or so
Repeatedly made claims of fraud despite offering no evidence, and his attorneys saying in court that they "weren't alleging fraud", probably because they were under oath
Said his tax cuts were the largest in history; they weren't even close (like 8th or 9th, IIRC)
Said he had the most judicial nominees ever (this isn't even true for a one-term President, as Jimmy Carter had more). He also lies about the number and says 300, when it was just a little over 200 that he got
Said he reformed the immigration system
Said he won Texas in 2020 by historic numbers (closest since Carter won in 1976)
Said he created the 'greatest economy in history' when he inherited a booming economy, and even so other Presidents had larger GDP numbers/growth and lower UE rates
Said he set records with the Hispanic and Black communities (he set records for a GOP candidate with neither)
Said he had 25k at his Dalton, GA rally
Smeared Ilhan Omar and said she danced during a celebration of the 9/11 attacks
Said Article II of the Constitution lets him do whatever he wants (not even close, and it even outlines Impeachment)
Said Americans weren't paying for the tariffs or the trade war with China (this is "Mexico is paying for the wall" but spicier)
Said the Mueller report completely exonerated him (I'm not a Russia-gater by any stretch but Mueller literally stated this wasn't true)
Then there's that whole thing where he lied to everyone about how bad COVID was when it started, which we all know about thanks to Bob Woodward. OBTW, this is what lost his re-election.
Wrong. "Immediately" is not time specific. It is relative and open to interpretation... it can mean in the first week, or it can mean in the first month.

Tell that to someone critically in need of help in an ER. "Immediately" is interpreted as right damn now. "Soon" is relative and open to interpretation.
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