'22 TN DT Walter Nolen (Ole Miss)

If you're the mentor you claim yourself and NPA to be, maybe you should be teaching them the truly important things like this, like how to budget, take care of money and finances; because, at the end of the day, things like that are MUCH MORE important than a slant route, 40 time, or form tackling.
Not sure that's the role for NPA, but these kids really do need money mentors in their life. Sad how many former NFL players go from living the high life to being dead broke.
Not sure that's the role for NPA, but these kids really do need money mentors in their life. Sad how many former NFL players go from living the high life to being dead broke.
I'm not saying it's the role of NPA, I'm saying it's the role of family first, then a mentor, if that comes next.
Lol...you do realize he's none of the above...? He's the fansided guy...
I only want yes or no answers to these questions:

Does he get paid to write stories for a publication?
Do people read his "stories" in this publication?
Does he pass his stories off as fact, and does said publication pass itself off as a legitimate publication?
How many people believe his "stories" as fact, the ones they read in aforementioned publication?
Are you aware that Amazon started out no bigger than my living room?
And, would you agree that the majority of people will believe ANYTHING?

Dan Patrick told the country about McDonald's bags, and more than half of college football, it's coaches, players, fans, and recruits believe it. We've been drug a few times because of what we say and do in our local "media" and social networking, and it bleed into the national media.

BTW, Calhoun has a degree in journalism. He also works for USA Today, and has a sh!t ton of other stuff accredited to him in the journalism field...its quite impressive so far for someone so young, that is, if you haven't a clue what counts for journalism these days...also, Fansided has over 100,000 followers across all social media.

Now, before you say, " just because he got a journalism degree, and did and does all this other sh!t in the field of JOURNALISM, doesn't mean he's a jounalist". I'll save you the trouble and agree with you on that...very much in agreement. Still, my point remains.

Look, you're not wrong, and anyone with a pulse on the program knows that if they are honest with themselves.

All @Weezer is trying to say is that the aggressive and abrasive tone in which you look to deliver your message just isn't well-received by a group of people who are here for the community and camaraderie as much as they are for the latest team news and recruiting dish.

I've tried explaining that to you, myself, in the past, and it was simply met with defense mechanisms such as anger and dissention, so I won't expect different, this time. Just wondering if in light of everyone here who seems opposed solely to your delivery, and not the message, necessarily, if you'd ever stepped back and thought to yourself, "maybe they're not the problem"?

As I told him and I've said to you before @cncchris33 I get what you all are saying but before I ever cm about it this way the lies were already out. Botch started it and it went viral which is why we went directly to the BIG boosters started the campaign and got him away from here.
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I missed it somewhere. What's the connection to him moving to play football in east Tennessee? Not trying to belittle Powell but its not IMG Academy so was there a different reason he moved out here and then picked a school once he got here or was it solely a football move?
It’s almost like he’s trying to give us a reason to NOT close on him. I know if I moved from Cordova (powerhouse) to Powell, it’d be to get closer to Knoxville so unofficials would be convenient and developing my brand would be easier once I committed to UT
I missed it somewhere. What's the connection to him moving to play football in east Tennessee? Not trying to belittle Powell but its not IMG Academy so was there a different reason he moved out here and then picked a school once he got here or was it solely a football move?
For 1 Garner is 15 minutes away. Is there any Vfls on Powells staff, that I don't know.
I missed it somewhere. What's the connection to him moving to play football in east Tennessee? Not trying to belittle Powell but its not IMG Academy so was there a different reason he moved out here and then picked a school once he got here or was it solely a football move?

Only thing I've read is that his family recently moved to the area for work. Certainly won't hurt out recruitment for him now that his family is close by to see him play.
Is there anything other than him going to Powell that has everyone optimistic? Him moving here doesn’t really lock down anything. Sure it’s not a bad thing but I’m hoping there’s more to the optimism.
i think the move gets too much play as something that matters to where he may wind up...but...if you read his last interview on SI.com, i think it's safe to say TN has moved in to the discussion a lot more seriously than any of us thought we were a few months ago. and proximity can't hurt..we are not the favorite imo, so being that close can help close the gap.

but from what i've read and listened to, it just seems CJH and CRG have done a good job here of making TN a factor.

how optimistic should we be? dunno. i still think with the options he's got available, it's gonna be tough for us to overcome everything those programs have to sell....

i think we have one big ace and that's CRG and his track record for sending DL to the NFL. he can do that here too....

in general i think fans should be optimistic that this staff can get a kid like Nolen to listen...and keep the door open....it'd be easy for this kid to slam the door and he'd have plenty of justification for doing so. that he hasn't yet, i think that's a good sign for this staff, regardless of where he winds up.
on other thing i'd add, i really like what i've seen from this staff in terms of future classes. they're doing some serious work on the 23 class, and picking their spots in 22. offering Nolen's brother and being first to do so, if nothing else, showed him and his family what they think of them as a whole, and in particular how much they think of Walter.

Long story short, i think we just need to give it a 2-3 years. They're playing the longer game, and i'm good with that.

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