do realize he's none of the above...? He's the fansided guy...
I only want yes or no answers to these questions:
Does he get paid to write stories for a publication?
Do people read his "stories" in this publication?
Does he pass his stories off as fact, and does said publication pass itself off as a legitimate publication?
How many people believe his "stories" as fact, the ones they read in aforementioned publication?
Are you aware that Amazon started out no bigger than my living room?
And, would you agree that the majority of people will believe ANYTHING?
Dan Patrick told the country about McDonald's bags, and more than half of college football, it's coaches, players, fans, and recruits believe it. We've been drug a few times because of what we say and do in our local "media" and social networking, and it bleed into the national media.
BTW, Calhoun has a degree in journalism. He also works for USA Today, and has a sh!t ton of other stuff accredited to him in the journalism field...its quite impressive so far for someone so young, that is, if you haven't a clue what counts for journalism these days...also, Fansided has over 100,000 followers across all social media.
Now, before you say, " just because he got a journalism degree, and did and does all this other sh!t in the field of JOURNALISM, doesn't mean he's a jounalist". I'll save you the trouble and agree with you on that...very much in agreement. Still, my point remains.