'18 TN RB Jeremy Banks (UT signee)

Not saying CFA is better, cause I think Ty will be. But last season CFA did well when he got carries.
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I liked CFA more than all our current RB's. Hope he stays and JK goes pro

CFA is good but Chandler is a better all round back. That KO return TY made against ISU earlier in the year was awesome. Takes a talented athlete to make the cut he did on that return at full speed. If JK leaves, RB is in good hands with TY as number 1 option.
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Tifwiw, but Memphis just hired the Cordova High School head coach. Could cause a few problems with a couple of the Memphis area kids.
Tifwiw, but Memphis just hired the Cordova High School head coach. Could cause a few problems with a couple of the Memphis area kids.

They can't sign anyone from his school for two years under the new rules if I am not mistaken.
Tifwiw, but Memphis just hired the Cordova High School head coach. Could cause a few problems with a couple of the Memphis area kids.

I think there's a new NCAA rule that states Memphis won't be able to recruit Cordova for 4 years. It's the High Freeze rule. Ainge was talking about George Quarles not being able to recruit Maryville.
I think there's a new NCAA rule that states Memphis won't be able to recruit Cordova for 4 years. It's the High Freeze rule. Ainge was talking about George Quarles not being able to recruit Maryville.

I believe if on field they can. Off field they cannkt
Yea, that rule is only if it's an off the field position, he is gonna be a regular on the field assistant so it doesn't affect the recruiting.
Vq defences Nebraska is real threat maybe the favorite anybody hearing otherwise

The way I understood what they were saying is that he was leaning Nebraska but now that Tennessee’s new staff offered and is making him a priority he’s likely a Vol. Should know after this weekend.
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the way i understood what they were saying is that he was leaning nebraska but now that tennessee’s new staff offered and is making him a priority he’s likely a vol. Should know after this weekend.

go vols!!!
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