Today's GOP Not The Party of Lincoln

I think the states would have gotten even more power back. Like I say, TRUE conservatives want to return to the tenth Amendment
All said too, we need to abolish the 17th Amendment and let State Legislatures appoint Senators

That’s incredibly naive.

The Republican Party is loyal to no higher principle or power than Trump.
Trump is not conservative.
The Republican Party is not conservative.
Nothing in the last 40 years, and certainly nothing during the prior administration lends any support to this theory, or we wouldn’t have an “imperial presidency” in the first place.
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The republican party attempted to have the federal government determine it's own membership? Huh?
You’re still going with that “I’m a moron who needs you to educate me” bit?

It’s convincing, but I’m not interested. I’d suggest you use Google, but you’ve already admitted you’re a failure at that, too.
You’re still going with that “I’m a moron who needs you to educate me” bit?

It’s convincing, but I’m not interested. I’d suggest you use Google, but you’ve already admitted you’re a failure at that, too.

Lol there you go. If you speak vaguely, it's the other parties fault for not understanding. You could just clearly state what you're talking about by membership. Citizenship? Statehood? Article 1 section 5? Any of those could be considered membership
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So, you’re for fascist government then. All this time I thought you were arguing against it

"Fast food chains do not need to know your medical history to conduct business with you"


"you must use their product (vaccines)"

Are we really pretending these are the same? Answer this: What does BK knowing you're vaccinated change?
Lol there you go. If you speak vaguely, it's the other parties fault for not understanding. You could just clearly state what you're talking about by membership. Citizenship? Statehood? Article 1 section 5? Any of those could be considered membership
If you’re incapable of figuring it out from the context of the conversation and the events that took place, then why should I care what you think about what I said?

If I don’t care about what you think, why explain it to you?

We’ve been over this before. Multiple times.
If you’re incapable of figuring it out from the context of the conversation and the events that took place, then why should I care what you think about what I said?

If I don’t care about what you think, why explain it to you?

We’ve been over this before. Multiple times.

We have. It’s cute really. You speak vaguely, intentionally, and then blame the audience.
That’s incredibly naive.

The Republican Party is loyal to no higher principle or power than Trump.
Trump is not conservative.
The Republican Party is not conservative.
Nothing in the last 40 years, and certainly nothing during the prior administration lends any support to this theory, or we wouldn’t have an “imperial presidency” in the first place.

The same Republican Party that controlled the senate on January 6th and certified the election of a democrat? How are you this delusional?
It has devolved into a cult. The true conservatives who put country over party are attacked as "RINO's" and targeted with primary challenges. Criticism of Trump isn't tolerated. The GOP is not principled or ideology-based anymore. Policies are becoming increasingly insignificant. It all comes down to a Trump-loving contest for Republicans now. Nobody has integrity, a spine or a conscience.

Good. Do you believe I need to know anything about your personal health before selling you a burger?

I don't think he's talking about drive through. He is talking about an owner having some say about people coming into his/her place of business -- where he/she works and perhaps supports a family. Now, some of you Covid bugs want the right to spread the disease in everyone's place of business, but you do not have that right. You can spread the disease in places where owners welcome Covid spreaders, like gonerrhea in a whore house.
I don't think he's talking about drive through. He is talking about an owner having some say about people coming into his/her place of business -- where he/she works and perhaps supports a family. Now, some of you Covid bugs want the right to spread the disease in everyone's place of business, but you do not have that right. You can spread the disease in places where owners welcome Covid spreaders, like gonerrhea in a whore house.

Your vaccination status does not prevent you from having nor spreading Covid. If the owner is concerned I’d recommend he get vaccinated, wear a mask, preferably an N95, exercise, get plenty of vitamin D, there’s a massive list of things an owner could do to make themselves and/or their employees safer.

Asking for someone’s vaccination status is not one of those.

But the way you compare the unvaccinated to plague rats is disgusting and sad
How is the Republican Party not a criminal racket, determined to overthrow our Constitution by installing a fascist government?
So you mean that today's GOP is the party of Lincoln?
I don't see one party as more or less fascist than the other today. When it comes to corporate influence and welfare they're two sides of the same coin.
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We are in 2021 and the Republican Party needs to move towards the future and be the party of common sense and the party for the working people of this country.

Unlike the democrat party who is the party of Marxism. Marxism is an ideology from the 1800s. The democrat party seems to be stuck in the past. And on top of that they are now the party of the rich and the party of corporatism.
We are in 2021 and the Republican Party needs to move towards the future and be the party of common sense and the party for the working people of this country.

Unlike the democrat party who is the party of Marxism. Marxism is an ideology from the 1800s. The democrat party seems to be stuck in the past. And on top of that they are now the party of the rich and the party of corporatism.

Who are the working people?
I’m talking about the other side of the coin where guys like Desantis have made it illegal for businesses ask for proof of vaccination.
Good for Desantis.

1. Nobody should be required to have proof of vaccination in order to participate in society.
2. A private business does not have superior rights over any individual.
3. Democrats and their allies are trying to bring back segregation in this country based on medical status and trying to create a second class of citizens based upon vaccination status.
"Fast food chains do not need to know your medical history to conduct business with you"


"you must use their product (vaccines)"

Are we really pretending these are the same? Answer this: What does BK knowing you're vaccinated change?

Are you telling a business how to run their business or not? You are remarkably inconsistent in your view points.
Good for Desantis.

1. Nobody should be required to have proof of vaccination in order to participate in society.
2. A private business does not have superior rights over any individual.
3. Democrats and their allies are trying to bring back segregation in this country based on medical status and trying to create a second class of citizens based upon vaccination status.

1. Should a business not be able to act in the interest of protecting their employees or customers?
2. How is that superior rights?
3. We're not talking about democrats doing anything... we are talking about GOP telling a business how to conduct business.
We are in 2021 and the Republican Party needs to move towards the future and be the party of common sense and the party for the working people of this country.

Unlike the democrat party who is the party of Marxism. Marxism is an ideology from the 1800s. The democrat party seems to be stuck in the past. And on top of that they are now the party of the rich and the party of corporatism.

Wow. You've been brainwashed.
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