Per Vox:
"To be clear, “not fascist” is a very, very low bar for Trump to clear. The concerns that lead people to ask the question “Is Trump a fascist?” are real. Trump really is
trying to discredit the coming presidential election. He
really has hired officials with ties to
white nationalist groups. He really did
promise to ban all Muslims from the US (and
implemented new rules toward that goal), said that a Mexican American judge is unfit to preside over cases involving him, called Mexican immigrants “rapists,”
empathized with neo-Nazis after Charlottesville, and falsely
claimed Muslim Americans celebrated the 9/11 attacks — among many, many transgressions."
Add the election shenanigans, and yep, I'd say he's a fascist.
But more accurately, everything is always about Donald J. Trump, so I think he's really just a Trumpist.