Today's GOP Not The Party of Lincoln

1. Should a business not be able to act in the interest of protecting their employees or customers?
2. How is that superior rights?
3. We're not talking about democrats doing anything... we are talking about GOP telling a business how to conduct business.

How does this protect their employees or customers
Because people like Biden are forcing those businesses to comply with an unconstitutional mandate?

Yes, but he's responded by telling businesses they are not permitted to ask. He's being every bit as authoritarian and you guys are eating it up.
Sounds like you've been brainwashed. Afraid to criticize your beloved democrat party? Obviously you can't stand criticism of it either.

Not afraid criticize either party. I don't think either party is worth a damn right now. Both are too concerned with maintaining their power base and are pandering to the nuttier side of their respective parties to do so.
Per Vox:

"To be clear, “not fascist” is a very, very low bar for Trump to clear. The concerns that lead people to ask the question “Is Trump a fascist?” are real. Trump really is trying to discredit the coming presidential election. He really has hired officials with ties to white nationalist groups. He really did promise to ban all Muslims from the US (and implemented new rules toward that goal), said that a Mexican American judge is unfit to preside over cases involving him, called Mexican immigrants “rapists,” empathized with neo-Nazis after Charlottesville, and falsely claimed Muslim Americans celebrated the 9/11 attacks — among many, many transgressions."

Add the election shenanigans, and yep, I'd say he's a fascist.

But more accurately, everything is always about Donald J. Trump, so I think he's really just a Trumpist.
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On one hand you believe Biden is acting like a dictator, but fail to see it when others do because you agree with their politics.

Interesting. So in your mind it’s equally bad to force me to use their product as it is to tell them they have no right to their customer’s healthcare info?

That’s your real stance?
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Not afraid criticize either party. I don't think either party is worth a damn right now. Both are too concerned with maintaining their power base and are pandering to the nuttier side of their respective parties to do so.
Okay. Maybe you should start calling these democrats in here brainwashed when they start calling the GOP a cult or referring to the Republican party as being fascist.

By the way, fascism and Marxism are both left wing ideologies. Which of the major parties claim to be more left wing?
Okay. Maybe you should start calling these democrats in here brainwashed when they start calling the GOP a cult or referring to the Republican party as being fascist.

By the way, fascism and Marxism are both left wing ideologies. Which of the major parties claim to be more left wing?

Fascism is on the far right side of the ideology spectrum. Who's brainwashed now?

BTW - People refer to the GOP as a cult because of their blind allegiance to all things Trump. It is really the cult of Trump.
Interesting. So in your mind it’s equally bad to force me to use their product as it is to tell them they have no right to their customer’s healthcare info?

That’s your real stance?

My comparison is between that of Biden telling businesses they must ensure vaccination of all employees vs. telling them they are not permitted to inquire as to vaccination status. Both are telling a business how to conduct business. You are in favor of one but not the other. That is inconsistent.
Fascism is on the far right side of the ideology spectrum. Who's brainwashed now?

BTW - People refer to the GOP as a cult because of their blind allegiance to all things Trump. It is really the cult of Trump.
They are both left wing ideologies. You have been taught false history and have believed it. You really are what you accuse others of - brainwashed.

You really cannot criticize your beloved democrat party huh?
My comparison is between that of Biden telling businesses they must ensure vaccination of all employees vs. telling them they are not permitted to inquire as to vaccination status. Both are telling a business how to conduct business. You are in favor of one but not the other. That is inconsistent.
Are you personally for vaccine mandates? Yes or no?
They are both left wing ideologies. You have been taught false history and have believed it. You really are what you accuse others of - brainwashed.

You really cannot criticize your beloved democrat party huh?

Fascism is a far right ideology and that really isn’t up for debate. I’ve criticized democrats in my responses to you.
Per Vox:

"To be clear, “not fascist” is a very, very low bar for Trump to clear. The concerns that lead people to ask the question “Is Trump a fascist?” are real. Trump really is trying to discredit the coming presidential election. He really has hired officials with ties to white nationalist groups. He really did promise to ban all Muslims from the US (and implemented new rules toward that goal), said that a Mexican American judge is unfit to preside over cases involving him, called Mexican immigrants “rapists,” empathized with neo-Nazis after Charlottesville, and falsely claimed Muslim Americans celebrated the 9/11 attacks — among many, many transgressions."

Add the election shenanigans, and yep, I'd say he's a fascist.

But more accurately, everything is always about Donald J. Trump, so I think he's really just a Trumpist.

It seems like you were trying to find examples of racism. That’s not fascism. You could be a racist and a capitalist. A racist and a communist. Fascism and racism are different words for a reason.

One of the key elements of fascism is authoritarian control of business. Not the ownership of (that would be communism) but the forceful, authoritarian control of.
Okay. Maybe you should start calling these democrats in here brainwashed when they start calling the GOP a cult or referring to the Republican party as being fascist.

By the way, fascism and Marxism are both left wing ideologies. Which of the major parties claim to be more left wing?

Fascism is an an extreme right wing ideology.
One of the few time you're actually right about something.

The issue here is if only one side is willing to fight, we continually lose. Which I would argue is the story of conservatism throughout its history.
Fascism is an an extreme right wing ideology.

I’d argue the left/right distinction especially when talking about the extremes isn’t overly useful. The reasons for calling fascism right wing (nationalism) could be applied to communism, socialism, etc.
The issue here is if only one side is willing to fight, we continually lose. Which I would argue is the story of conservatism throughout its history.

I know what the discussion is about and he's playing his artful dodger routine after a dumb take but on that one post he was correct so I gave him credit.
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I’d argue the left/right distinction especially when talking about the extremes isn’t overly useful. The reasons for calling fascism right wing (nationalism) could be applied to communism, socialism, etc.

On a compass fascism would be at 179 degrees and Marxism at 181, miles apart but within spitting distance of each other.
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I know what the discussion is about and he's playing his artful dodger routine after a dumb take but on that one post he was correct so I gave him credit.

If the standard applied was one of no business regulations, I’d argue he’s correct. Very few people on the planet would hold that as their standard, nor is it the standard I presented.

Granted I will agree if forced to pick between the two extremes I would prefer no regulation

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