Today's GOP Not The Party of Lincoln

If the standard applied was one of no business regulations, I’d argue he’s correct. Very few people on the planet would hold that as their standard, nor is it the standard I presented.

Granted I will agree if forced to pick between the two extremes I would prefer no regulation

I've been clear on my beliefs when it comes to this subject. I object to the laws preventing a business from making it's own decisions on the vaccine as much as I do any government mandate forcing the vaccine.
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We are in 2021 and the Republican Party needs to move towards the future and be the party of common sense and the party for the working people of this country.

Unlike the democrat party who is the party of Marxism. Marxism is an ideology from the 1800s. The democrat party seems to be stuck in the past. And on top of that they are now the party of the rich and the party of corporatism.

Marxism (left) and the rich / corporatism (right, tending toward fascism) are diametrically opposed. There is no way any party is the party of both. Please don't say you're an Econ major at UT.
He won four times in landslides.
Are you suggesting the American people were idiots in 4 straight elections......knowing exactly what they were getting in the last 3?
Did they vote for interment camps for some citizens?
Per Vox:

"To be clear, “not fascist” is a very, very low bar for Trump to clear. The concerns that lead people to ask the question “Is Trump a fascist?” are real. Trump really is trying to discredit the coming presidential election. He really has hired officials with ties to white nationalist groups. He really did promise to ban all Muslims from the US (and implemented new rules toward that goal), said that a Mexican American judge is unfit to preside over cases involving him, called Mexican immigrants “rapists,” empathized with neo-Nazis after Charlottesville, and falsely claimed Muslim Americans celebrated the 9/11 attacks — among many, many transgressions."

Add the election shenanigans, and yep, I'd say he's a fascist.

But more accurately, everything is always about Donald J. Trump, so I think he's really just a Trumpist.
4 of those things cited were proven to be made up BS
I’d argue the left/right distinction especially when talking about the extremes isn’t overly useful. The reasons for calling fascism right wing (nationalism) could be applied to communism, socialism, etc.

Eh, except that fascism vehemently opposes those ideologies.
I've been clear on my beliefs when it comes to this subject. I object to the laws preventing a business from making it's own decisions on the vaccine as much as I do any government mandate forcing the vaccine.

We might not always agree, but you are damn consistent with regard to this subject matter.
Fascism is an an extreme right wing ideology.
No it's not. It is a far left ideology. I suggest doing some research and study outside what you have already learned.

It's also common for competing far left ideologies to eventually compete with the other for power.
So you have no actual policies you can point to. Alright now Biden. I'll start.

Forcing American's to take a vaccine made by a private company if they wish to keep their job=Fascism.

You used the word "policies," which might not be a good choice for the purpose of discussion. But it does appear to be Donald Trump's "policy" to claim fraud in any election which he loses. You persist in dismissing my answer, and I'm guessing it's because you do not like it. Disrespecting our elections, the Constitution, the law, and our tradition of peaceful transfer of power is rightly viewed as fascist, and that is current Republican practice under Donald Trump's misguidance.
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No it's not. It is a far left ideology. I suggest doing some research and study outside what you have already learned.

It's also common for competing far left ideologies to eventually compete with the other for power.

Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/) is a form of far-right, authoritarian ultranationalism[1] characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and strong regimentation of society and the economy[2] that rose to prominence in early 20th-century Europe.[3][4]

Fascism - Wikipedia
You used the word "policies," which might not be a good choice for the purpose of discussion. But it does appear to be Donald Trump's "policy" to claim fraud in any election which he loses. You persist in dismissing my answer, and I'm guessing it's because you do not like it. Disrespecting our elections, the Constitution, the law, and our tradition of peaceful transfer of power is rightly viewed as fascist, and that is current Republican practice, under Donald Trump's misguidance.

I don’t disagree with your issues with Trump’s actions. But the thread title seems to proclaim the GOP as a whole are the issue.

Wasn’t it the GOP that certified the election?
Marxism (left) and the rich / corporatism (right, tending toward fascism) are diametrically opposed. There is no way any party is the party of both. Please don't say you're an Econ major at UT.
They both advocated for a large, centralized government and their ultimate goal was control of the people under their rule. Both left wing ideologies.

So according to your definition. Since the democrat party is now the party of the rich/corporatism does that mean they are a fascist party?
You used the word "policies," which might not be a good choice for the purpose of discussion. But it does appear to be Donald Trump's "policy" to claim fraud in any election which he loses. You persist in dismissing my answer, and I'm guessing it's because you do not like it. Disrespecting our elections, the Constitution, the law, and our tradition of peaceful transfer of power is rightly viewed as fascist, and that is current Republican practice under Donald Trump's misguidance.

DT has only lost 1 election and "Disrespecting our elections, the Constitution, the law, and our tradition of peaceful transfer of power" is not viewed as fascist by anyone that understands what the word means.
Marxism (left) and the rich / corporatism (right, tending toward fascism) are diametrically opposed. There is no way any party is the party of both. Please don't say you're an Econ major at UT.

So total control of business vs near total control? From an economic standpoint what’s your main distinction you’re making
They both advocated for a large, centralized government and their ultimate goal was control of the people under their rule. Both left wing ideologies.

So according to your definition. Since the democrat party is now the party of the rich/corporatism does that mean they are a fascist party?

I don't think that either party is fascist. I think that both are authoritarian while they both renounce it. I think you are too brainwashed to see that simple truth.
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It seems like you were trying to find examples of racism. That’s not fascism. You could be a racist and a capitalist. A racist and a communist. Fascism and racism are different words for a reason.

One of the key elements of fascism is authoritarian control of business. Not the ownership of (that would be communism) but the forceful, authoritarian control of.
There is authoratarian control of business under communism as well.

Also, many people on the left try say nationalism is a right wing ideology. Which is incorrect. Nationalism has always been on the left and has been promoted by dictators such as Stalin, Castro, and even Mao. All communists and all were for nationalism.

There were too many similarities between Stalin, Mussolini, and Hitler to claim two were far right and one was far left. They were all far left.
There is authoratarian control of business under communism as well.

Also, many people on the left try say nationalism is a right wing ideology. Which is incorrect. Nationalism has always been on the left and has been promoted by dictators such as Stalin, Castro, and even Mao. All communists and all were for nationalism.

There were too many similarities between Stalin, Mussolini, and Hitler to claim two were far right and one was far left. They were all far left.

Fascists and Marxists are only 2 degrees off from each other on the ideological compass yet one is far right and the other is far left.
What makes fascism right wing in your opinion

I've seen this semantic argument many times. My view is that you are confusing the word "fascism" with totalitarianism. The extreme left and right are both totalitarian. But fascism differs from communism. Fascism is an authoritarian government in alliance with corporate power. Communism is an authoritarian government in the name of the proletariat or working class, in opposition to private and corporate business.
I've seen this semantic argument many times. My view is that you are confusing the word "fascism" with totalitarianism. The extreme left and right are both totalitarian. But fascism differs from communism. Fascism is an authoritarian government in alliance with corporate power. Communism is an authoritarian government in the name of the proletariat or working class, in opposition to private and corporate business.

So one has absolute control (communism) of business and one just has a whole lot of control?

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