Top US General Publicly Disagrees With Trump Over Syria

With friends like this, Trump didn't need enemies.

Outgoing Syria Envoy Boasts He Hid True Troop Levels & Stymied Trump Withdrawal Efforts

The 74-year old career diplomat took over the post after the resignation of Brett McGurk. Jeffrey has in the past been criticized as being too pro-Turkish and is seen as a Syria hawk, being among past foremost voices desiring regime change in Syria. Pro-Kurdish lobbying groups further see him as too much in Erdogan's pocket. He's also a Bush-era holdover, having been in a lead role among Bush's neocon cabinet.

Jeffrey announced his retirement last Saturday and is already openly boasting about he hid the true numbers of US troops inside Syria from the White House.
There is a deep state, we were warned decades ago. And it isn't partisan.
There’s a head chief in every group. I wonder who the head of the “Deep State” is? Would it be someone familiar? Would we be shocked at who it was? Is it like the Syndicate in the M:I movies? It’s all very exciting to think about.
There’s a head chief in every group. I wonder who the head of the “Deep State” is? Would it be someone familiar? Would we be shocked at who it was? Is it like the Syndicate in the M:I movies? It’s all very exciting to think about.
My guess is me if a group of people, lie profile with big power jobs.....spooks, military etc. I don't know but they are real and attached to the MIC. friends in the Illuminati are all reading volnation. And they’re all radical liberals and also belong to antifa.
Antifa aren't enlightened, they are among the many pawns, people easily influenced to act towards or against interests. The MIC is real and has evolved drastically since the 60's and 70's.
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He’ll never admit how serious it is anyway. The guy needs to be fired and charged as well as anybody else who aided this.

Maybe I can change his thinking...

Yeah, probably not, but I'm open to discussing the matter with him logically and civilly if he's so inclined.
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You really don't see how serious this is?

Sure. Been reading about it.

I agree its serious and an abuse of their authority. People shouting out treason though seem only to be concerned that Trump was misled and they are insulted by the fact that it insults him. I just don't see it as at that level.

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