Train derailment danger being covered up?

Enough of that trolling BS.
I just used the ignore option for the first time.
Can you give us your ideal form of government? You want more power at the state level, local level or should the power be in the hands of certain people?

And I'm not disagreeing with you that the federal government needs reformed. By all means it does.

You also have to keep in mind that most of our current politicians support the interests of their biggest donors first. They push the interests and pass legislation that benefits their donors. In return these donors, many of which are large corporations and investors, help push certain political party agendas.

I might be mis-remembering but wasn't this the refreshing thing about Trump that he wasn't beholden to lobbiest and another reason DC and the deep state were pissed?
Can you give us your ideal form of government? You want more power at the state level, local level or should the power be in the hands of certain people? ……..
ideal form of government? Easy. Absolute unassailable legislative, executive, and judicial power in MY hands of course.
Don’t worry, I will be a benevolent dictator
I might be mis-remembering but wasn't this the refreshing thing about Trump that he wasn't beholden to lobbiest and another reason DC and the deep state were pissed?
Keep in mind Scott Gottlieb was commissioner of the FDA under Trump and ended up being on the board of Pfizer. He was going around the news stations pushing the vaccine.

Then you had Elaine Chao who is Mitch McConnell's wife and former Transportation Secretary under both Bush and Trump. I believe she is currently on the board of an EV Charging company.

That's another issue we have going on is people in high level positions in the government moving into high level positions or as board members with corporations when their time with the federal government is up.
Breaking news!!!!
Pete Buttigieg has just replaced as transportation secretary by someone actually capable of running a railway system

To be fair the SOT nor POTUS has anything to do with the cleanup. The cleanup, air/water monitoring (off RR property) would be 1st supervised by the OH EPA with input from the federal EPA. Once it crossed state lines the federals would take jurisdiction.

I once spent almost an hour trying to explain to an OH EPA inspector how water will not flow uphill, so that should let you know what the people up their are dealing with.
Keep in mind Scott Gottlieb was commissioner of the FDA under Trump and ended up being on the board of Pfizer. He was going around the news stations pushing the vaccine.

Then you had Elaine Chao who is Mitch McConnell's wife and former Transportation Secretary under both Bush and Trump. I believe she is currently on the board of an EV Charging company.

That's another issue we have going on is people in high level positions in the government moving into high level positions or as board members with corporations when their time with the federal government is up.

That part of almost seems unsolvable because of corporations wanting government experts to deal with regulations. Also, in some ways we want people to leave politics and go into the private sector.

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