Train derailment danger being covered up?

That part of almost seems unsolvable because of corporations wanting government experts to deal with regulations. Also, in some ways we want people to leave politics and go into the private sector.
But we shouldn't want them to move into positions in the private sector which give them as much or more power than the ones they previously held. As I have said numerous times some of these corporations are pushing the federal government's agenda for them.
I grew up 20ish miles (as the crow flies) from the Radford Army Ammunition Plant, they had their own railroad. When they had a derailment you could hear it and a couple times feel it at the house.
Lived near the race track, I heard it a few times and wondered what was going to blow up at that plant. Glad I lived up stream from that place.
Lol...Denmark? Probably Norway and Sweden, too?

This literal azzclown has no clue. He is too worried about playing gay midget Twister after his boyfriend gets off work to actually do his damn job. What a joke
The only thing I could maybe think of was union work up north.

But down here even the office jobs have "more diversity" than the population they represent.
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There are about 2000 +/- trail derailments every year. It's not a rare thing.
Was just about to post this. One derailed not far from where I live several weeks ago because a truck carrying a concrete pillar stopped on the tracks, and an oncoming train nailed it.

I know nothing about the frequency of train derailments, but my instinct tells me the breathless reporting of every train incident since East Palestine is a piling on for clicks. It's on everyone's mind. Kind of like how in the days after a plane crash, it seems like every single emergency landing or plane that had to go back to his origin after takeoff gets its own article.
The left has been trying to find ways to blame train derailments on Trump, yet in 2018 the rule Trump repealed was on trains carrying crude oil which is not the case in Ohio. And if what Trump did was such a bad decision, then why hasn't Butteigieg ever talked about it before or done something about it?

Begins at 2:50 in video below...

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You did it now! We are sending in the worlds top experts, and they are going to set up a hazmat situation with some of the worlds leading scientists to prove to you that you have been duped by truthers AGAIN.
You did it now! We are sending in the worlds top experts, and they are going to set up a hazmat situation with some of the worlds leading scientists to prove to you that you have been duped by truthers AGAIN.
Are these the same type of “experts” that led the COVID pandemic? Are they gonna make PPE and social distancing required at all times EXCEPT for BLM marches and democrat campaign celebrations?

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