Train derailment danger being covered up?

Hah, the truthers pushed it into a story with paid antagonists. What they are going to tell you is ... there's nothing to see.
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Then there's the lingering cause of the mess.
1. Train safety regulation repealed during Trump administration |

2. PolitiFact - Obama-era safety rule for high-hazard cargo trains was repealed under Trump

3. PolitiFact - Obama-era safety rule for high-hazard cargo trains was repealed under Trump

But you know the Republiars' drill: The truth isn't welcome unless it's in your favor, and/or denigrates your opponent(s).


Dept of Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, is that you??
Welcome to the board! Happy to have ya.
Then there's the lingering cause of the mess.
1. Train safety regulation repealed during Trump administration |

2. PolitiFact - Obama-era safety rule for high-hazard cargo trains was repealed under Trump

3. PolitiFact - Obama-era safety rule for high-hazard cargo trains was repealed under Trump

But you know the Republiars' drill: The truth isn't welcome unless it's in your favor, and/or denigrates your opponent(s).
The truth of this rule is being twisted.

And besides that, who is in office now? And how long have they been there? Certainly long enough to reinstate a rule, no?
The truth of this rule is being twisted.

And besides that, who is in office now? And how long have they been there? Certainly long enough to reinstate a rule, no?
Not to mention the issue is with the Government’s response, or lack thereof, to the derailment. This administration cares immensely more about the pensions of the people in Ukraine than they do about their own citizens. This isn’t isolated, this is a pattern of behavior from a group of anti-American globalist that continue to bury this country every time they gain power within our constitutional republic.
Not to mention the issue is with the Government’s response, or lack thereof, to the derailment. This administration cares immensely more about the pensions of the people in Ukraine than they do about their own citizens. This isn’t isolated, this is a pattern of behavior from a group of anti-American globalist that continue to bury this country every time they gain power within our constitutional republic.
Precisely. What ****ing moron involved with this admin thought it was the right idea to blow a load of toxins sky high?
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Then there's the lingering cause of the mess.
1. Train safety regulation repealed during Trump administration |

2. PolitiFact - Obama-era safety rule for high-hazard cargo trains was repealed under Trump

3. PolitiFact - Obama-era safety rule for high-hazard cargo trains was repealed under Trump

But you know the Republiars' drill: The truth isn't welcome unless it's in your favor, and/or denigrates your opponent(s).

Thanks leftist Lashonda. You demigods can always be counted as card carrying water toters for progressive causes.
Precisely. What ****ing moron involved with this admin thought it was the right idea to blow a load of toxins sky high?
They are just useless. The things this administration cares about is idiotic.

Our southern border is being invaded daily. Daily! And they do nothing.

A teenager in some school gets angry because He can’t use the girls locker room. Or parents mouth off to a school board. Oh best believe the Feds are all over that!!!
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Then there's the lingering cause of the mess.
1. Train safety regulation repealed during Trump administration |

2. PolitiFact - Obama-era safety rule for high-hazard cargo trains was repealed under Trump

3. PolitiFact - Obama-era safety rule for high-hazard cargo trains was repealed under Trump

But you know the Republiars' drill: The truth isn't welcome unless it's in your favor, and/or denigrates your opponent(s).

Excuses - you got a million of them. Instead of moving further and further to the left we got to get you back to your roots with the aw shucks voters. Those are the average Americans that are in East Palestine environmental and the victims of the psycho rampage in Northern Mississippi. Big government doesn't care about anything but power.
Dept of Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, is that you??
Welcome to the board! Happy to have ya.

Yes, my dear assistant, it me, and glad to see you join to back up my posts. Thank you for your loyal service.
The truth of this rule is being twisted.
And besides that, who is in office now? And how long have they been there? Certainly long enough to reinstate a rule, no?

You can't undo Presidential mandates by just being in office. Even if you could, it'd take time to remove the railway vehicles from service to refit. ut you know that right, whataboutists always do.
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Thanks leftist Lashonda. You demigods can always be counted as card carrying water toters for progressive causes.

You're welcome, now use this bar of Lifebuoy to wash the lies and whataboutism out of your mouth.
Excuses - you got a million of them. Instead of moving further and further to the left we got to get you back to your roots with the aw shucks voters. Those are the average Americans that are in East Palestine environmental and the victims of the psycho rampage in Northern Mississippi. Big government doesn't care about anything but power.

Bars of Lifebuoy. and Camay both, child, to clean all the lies and whataboutism from you palate, tongue, and throat. My consulting service is free, see how much money I saved you? Of course not, you can't count either. Here's some help with that:

You can't undo P{residential mandates by just being in office. Even if you could, it'd take time to remove the railway vehicles from service to refit. ut you know that right, whataboutists always do.
This is wrong on literally all counts.
I spent most of 30 years (as a private contractor) cleaning up derailments, pipeline blow-outs, natural disasters and manufacturing catastrophes. Decided to get off the road a couple years ago.
This one is no different. The local fire chief is the HMFIC. Until a state or federal official relieves them of that duty, that’s who controls any and all actions. Now he’s going to have a bunch of crayon-eaters in his ear, but still makes all final calls.
The railroad’s 1st goal is to contain and get the line back up and running. Regardless of what that takes. Cleanup is secondary to operation. Always has been and always will be. Disruption in service is a major financial AND supply chain issue. Those chemicals were headed somewhere to make something you need everyday.
I would never second guess other response managers but I would have tried everything prior to a controlled explosion. May have been the only option due to the car’s integrity but the optics are bad, BAD.
The squeeze point should be on the individual that allowed the public back in until all soil, air and water had been tested, studied and shared with the public.
Many of the chemicals mentioned are water soluble. Floating containment booms in streams do not stop it since it’s not lighter than water. They will be placed for any oil based products. I can only hope that earthen dams were built to stop water/material run off prior fire suppression or car explosion/movements. It was a Yuge dereliction of duty if not.
Many factors come to play on the subsurface water. Recent rainfall or frozen ground can greatly reduce the amount of absorption into the ground. You can excavate the gross impact but the groundwater will need to be tested for years.
And Jesse Waters can EAD. There’s good people in the industry that do not toe the RR line. They also do not have power over the RR or government officials. Never known one to lie about test results but it’s possible I guess.
Now back to your standard discussion of which party suxs more.
The bottom line is the government doesn't GAS about middle America. Norfolk Southern could kill 400,000 people and the government would spin it towards another party not in charge. 25 years from now when I'm long dead and the residents of this poor community in Ohio are dying by the boatload, some cheesy ass lawyer will start running ads asking people to step up and get their just rewards for dying an early death.

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