Trump calls for terminating or at least suspending the Constitution

He has lost the big donors and the GOP doesn't want him. He is done.

We'll see. Hopefully you are right, but he's got the stop the steal acolytes taking over precinct committee spots. That's how so many Trump people won noms this past cycle.

It's gonna be hilarious if he loses the nom and turns his election conspiracies against the GOP. They'll deserve it.
I can't argue with your assessment. It is definitely shady and neither side should be doing it, just like it was shady when Trump declared a national emergency at the border and diverted defense funds to build his wall that Congress had not approved.
All true ... and let's mention the most unconstitutional measure which Trump attempted as President :

The fake elector scheme.

The United States Constitution does not allow for the Vice President to disregard electoral votes during the certification of the election. That didn't stop Trump from trying to bully Pence into doing it.
All true ... and let's mention the most unconstitutional measure which Trump attempted as President :

The fake elector scheme.

The United States Constitution does not allow for the Vice President to disregard electoral votes during the certification of the election. That didn't stop Trump from trying to bully Pence into doing it.

Remember, when people freaked the **** out because i said Trump's an ideological authoritarian? I 'member
We'll see. Hopefully you are right, but he's got the stop the steal acolytes taking over precinct committee spots. That's how so many Trump people won noms this past cycle.

It's gonna be hilarious if he loses the nom and turns his election conspiracies against the GOP. They'll deserve it.
100% true.

Due to his narcissism, there is not a scenario or set of conditions from which Trump could ever lose an election without completely attributing his defeat to fraud.

Case in point :

Trump accuses Cruz of stealing Iowa caucuses through 'fraud'

^^^ From February 3rd, 2016 ^^^

Donald Trump doesn't care about the Republican Party. He only cares about himself.
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Remember, when people freaked the **** out because i said Trump's an ideological authoritarian? I 'member
I'll counter your authoritarian claim with the fact that he had so much control over the military as commander-in-chief that the Pentagon came out in late 2020 bragging about how they disobeyed Trump's order to remove troops from Syria.
I'll counter your authoritarian claim with the fact that he had so much control over the military as commander-in-chief that the Pentagon came out in late 2020 bragging about how they disobeyed Trump's order to remove troops from Syria.


How does his getting disobeyed disprove that he is ideologically authoritarian? Lol

How does his getting disobeyed disprove that he is ideologically authoritarian? Lol
He obviously wasn't able to implement a single authoritarian scheme during his entire administration. And you select one extreme example at the very end of his term as your proof of calling him ideologically authoritarian. The only true authoritarian traits he showed outside of that extreme example was him running his mouth and calling out the media. Last I checked, he didn't weaponize the alphabet agencies to go after his political enemies. It's not like Trump was Obama or Joe Biden in that regard.
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He obviously wasn't able to implement a single authoritarian scheme during his entire administration. And you select one extreme example at the very end of his term as your proof of calling him ideologically authoritarian. The only true authoritarian traits he showed outside of that extreme example was him running his mouth and calling out the media. Last I checked, he didn't weaponize the alphabet agencies to go after his political enemies. It's not like Trump was Obama or Joe Biden in that regard.
Report: Trump Allegedly Demanded His Enemies Be Investigated by the IRS—And They Were!
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It's not really that funny. About 80 million numbskulls in this country voted for that conman.
And they'll do it again because they're knuckledraggers who think it's really cool to own the libs because we want to give everyone healthcare and a living wage.
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I’m sure you pitched a big fit about this during the Lois Lerner days.

We all agree that the IRS should not be weaponized. That of course is different than the traditional of Presidential nominees relasing their returns, which they should. The latter is a fundamental issue of trust.
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We all agree that the IRS should not be weaponized. That of course is different than the traditional of Presidential nominees relasing their returns, which they should. The latter is a fundamental issue of trust.

Agree. All federal elected officials and the appointees… at least Cabinet level should release their tax returns and trade sheets.
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Lol. No he is not.

He is in Gatlinburg T shirt shops and probably Boeberts district. That’s probably about it. He’s not even the favorite in MTGs district because DeSantis taught school there and they want to claim him if he gets elected.
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He is in Gatlinburg T shirt shops and probably Boeberts district. That’s probably about it. He’s not even the favorite in MTGs district because DeSantis taught school there and they want to claim him if he gets elected.
Thats hilarious
Agree. All federal elected officials and the appointees… at least Cabinet level should release their tax returns and trade sheets.
Why? How is that relevant to anything? It's just a tool Dems use to screech at the public who don't understand how the tax code works. Mitt's secretary paid more in taxes than he did!!!! Screeeeeeeech.

The requirements to be POTUS are clearly outlined in the constitution. Nothing more should be required.

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