Trump calls for terminating or at least suspending the Constitution

No **** because 81 million voted for the other idiot.

At least Biden knows you cannot set aside the Constitution no matter your facetious claims that he has. But to your boy, nothing matters except not having to face the fact he lost. Just like you Hog. And btw, according to your math Trump lost by a million votes (80 to 81). It was a much bigger loss.
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When dems decided what businesses were essential or not and shut the ones down that they deemed non-essential was that not terminating parts of the constitution?

Just be consistent.

It's amazing what the media are saying - the lie is beyond bounds. Trump was talking one specific issue; Dems are claiming Trump is proposing we suspend the whole Constitution like a banana republic dictator would do. I guess if you're going to lie, then just make it a whopper.
Trump threatens to cancel NBC’s broadcast license over critical reporting

Trump did more than "call out" news media. He wanted the broadcast licenses of NBC and CNN pulled ... even though they don't actually have licenses. This is what an authoritarian ruler does.

They should be pulled. One day we need to have a real discussion in this country about what news is, what opinion, is and what flat out lies are. A "news agency" with accredited reporters has no business and shouldn't be allowed to be in business if it can't stick to reporting verifiable fact or excluding those facts their bias doesn't deem appropriate.
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At least Biden knows you cannot set aside the Constitution no matter your facetious claims that he has. But to your boy, nothing matters except not having to face the fact he lost. Just like you Hog. And btw, according to your math Trump lost by a million votes (80 to 81). It was a much bigger loss.

Biden and other dems just ignore the constitution; they don't have the guts to discuss how the things they do are in violation of the constitution.
It is a false equivalency of epic proportions - you are comparing a public health emergency with a guy who wants election results tossed out because of leaked e-mails from a private company that has every right to suppress whatever they want.

It's been a few years but I thought the shutdowns were deemed constitutional because the 10th Amendment gives states broad discretion during a public heath emergency to do what they feel is best to mitigate the spread.
I see his comments have gone right over or through that empty head of yours
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They should be pulled. One day we need to have a real discussion in this country about what news is, what opinion, is and what flat out lies are. A "news agency" with accredited reporters has no business and shouldn't be allowed to be in business if it can't stick to reporting verifiable fact or excluding those facts their bias doesn't deem appropriate.
This is an epic level of hypocrisy. Republicans complain about the censorship from big tech all the time ... but you are suggesting that the government should shut down certain media outlets? LOL.

By the way, this can't happen for two reasons :

1) NBC and CNN don't have broadcast licenses which can be pulled.

2) It would obviously be a violation of the 1st Amendment, if Trump as President, tried to silence media outlets.
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It's amazing what the media are saying - the lie is beyond bounds. Trump was talking one specific issue; Dems are claiming Trump is proposing we suspend the whole Constitution like a banana republic dictator would do. I guess if you're going to lie, then just make it a whopper.
Setting aside the Constitution ... Is setting aside the Constituion. You can't do it.

The Supreme Court would shoot Trump down 9-0 if he tried it.
He leads in GOP polls, even after the relative debacle of this year's mid terms.

Whom do Republicans want as their 2024 presidential nominee? | YouGov

Once he gets out there blasting the media and engaging his usual back handed racism, the base will rally even more.
The numbers for Ron DeSantis would immediately go up, if he got in the race. I think it would be close. I'm starting to doubt that DeSantis will run though. He seems reluctant to be critical of Trump, even when Trump should be criticized. I don't think he has the stomach for an ugly primary fight.
Maybe we need a separate forum for all the ignorant posts that LG makes

This was a direct quote from Trump. Hardly ignorant when you idol said it.

If you are voting for trump after that statement you are never again allowed to bring up the constitution because you don't believe in it.
It's not really that funny. About 80 million numbskulls in this country voted for that conman.
And then there’s Biden. Getting in some sort of self righteous game that an individual’s vote makes them moral or immoral is nonsense. This is typical identity politics employed by both sides.

If you seriously think you’re better than someone because of who they did or didn’t vote for, you are the problem.
If someone votes to have access to my money, limit my freedoms, affect my family, etc then I am better than them. They are the problem
I’d say the average person is voting because they think their vote is really for the right guy. Do you really think, let’s say, the person that wants gun reform, wants to infringe on your rights, or because they believe they are helping to curb gun violence??

My experience is that any form of big government will limit your freedoms. It really becomes an issue of which freedoms you cherish. If I were a betting man, I’d say you’re a hypocrite just like the rest of us.

Do you cherish owning a gun, being able to buy weed, having safe roads, free healthcare, education,…….. the list could go on and on.
I’d say the average person is voting because they think their vote is really for the right guy. Do you really think, let’s say, the person that wants gun reform, wants to infringe on your rights, or because they believe they are helping to curb gun violence??

My experience is that any form of big government will limit your freedoms. It really becomes an issue of which freedoms you cherish. If I were a betting man, I’d say you’re a hypocrite just like the rest of us.

Do you cherish owning a gun, being able to buy weed, having safe roads, free healthcare, education,…….. the list could go on and on.
Yes, people vote to infringe on my rights every election. Because of that we get less free every cycle.

I'm not sure how you conflate property or economic rights with having someone else pay for my services. I want as small a govt as possible a defined by our founding doc. Everything else is a power or money grab
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This was a direct quote from Trump. Hardly ignorant when you idol said it.

If you are voting for trump after that statement you are never again allowed to bring up the constitution because you don't believe in it.

Did we take this same approach with Obama or any congressmen that thought he had the right to sign an EO to change our immigration policies ? Come on now . We all know that presidents use EOs all the time to get around the constitution.
Did we take this same approach with Obama or any congressmen that thought he had the right to sign an EO to change our immigration policies ? Come on now . We all know that presidents use EOs all the time to get around the constitution.

I dislike EOs, but that is not what he said.
I dislike EOs, but that is not what he said.

I know this is whataboutism but Obama stood on a stage , told the people asking him that he did not have the power to do it . That would go against the constitution. Then he changed immigration laws that only Congress are allowed to change … everybody cheered him ignoring the constitution. We are a very subjective bunch when it comes to ignoring or suspending our constitution.
This was a direct quote from Trump. Hardly ignorant when you idol said it.

If you are voting for trump after that statement you are never again allowed to bring up the constitution because you don't believe in it.

I mean, this post should essentially disqualify Trump from contention. We got people in here crying "not another Trump thread" but this is a fkn bombshell. Like a legitimate bombshell.
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All true ... and let's mention the most unconstitutional measure which Trump attempted as President :

The fake elector scheme.

The United States Constitution does not allow for the Vice President to disregard electoral votes during the certification of the election. That didn't stop Trump from trying to bully Pence into doing it.

Pence carrying out his duties as allotted to him in an honest and ethical manner should make him a front runner this cycle. It won't, but it should. It'd be a breath of fresh air having a person of integrity in the position.

You should learn to read your own link which notes McCabe was selected for audit in 2021; was Trump president?
Oddly, Vanity Fair's Bess Levin doesn't mention when Comey was selected for audit, which was July 2022; was Trump president? IRS inspector general says intensive audits of former FBI Director Comey and deputy were random | CNN Politics

Did Trump use a chokehold - or held hostage a Dairy Queen gift card - to weaponize Joe Biden's IRS against Comey and McCabe?
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He obviously wasn't able to implement a single authoritarian scheme during his entire administration. And you select one extreme example at the very end of his term as your proof of calling him ideologically authoritarian. The only true authoritarian traits he showed outside of that extreme example was him running his mouth and calling out the media. Last I checked, he didn't weaponize the alphabet agencies to go after his political enemies. It's not like Trump was Obama or Joe Biden in that regard.

Guess what?...ideological authoritarian doesn't mean implementation of a scheme. And actually, I have a lot to back up this opinion.

Don't feel bad. I had the same argument with many other people who have no idea what "ideological" means.

Trump Is an Ideological Authoritarian
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He leads in GOP polls, even after the relative debacle of this year's mid terms.

Whom do Republicans want as their 2024 presidential nominee? | YouGov

Once he gets out there blasting the media and engaging his usual back handed racism, the base will rally even more.

How many have thrown their hat in the GOP ring so far? That will change.

1) I voted for Trump in 2016.
2) I voted for Trump in 2020.
3) Trump has proven to be juvenile, and mentally disturbed.
4) Depending on who enters the GOP primaries, I'm looking at Desantis or Pence. No Trump vote for 2024.

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