Trump calls for terminating or at least suspending the Constitution

It was John Kelly who claimed that Donald Trump ordered those audits. He is not a Democrat. In fact, he was Trump's longest serving White House Chief of Staff.

? - I'm not contending whether Trump did nor didn't request them, but that Democrats could have & can investigate it. That they haven't tells us there is no smoke or fire. It's much easier to generate propaganda for Dem masses to twitch over.

Essentially, the position is that Trump needed to become an authoritarian, ex-president golfer, so he could reach into the Biden admin and punish opponents.
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Trump has never been intelligent, but he's really gone off the rails in recent years and now resides in the land of pure insanity.
He's now simply an embarrassing laughingstock and punchline. Advocating for terminating parts of the Constitution should be an automatic disqualifier but the Cult won't care - they support him unconditionally like good little puppets.
In all fairness, both parties are guilty wanting to change parts of the constitution. But your blinders won’t allow you see that.
Trump has never been intelligent, but he's really gone off the rails in recent years and now resides in the land of pure insanity.
He's now simply an embarrassing laughingstock and punchline. Advocating for terminating parts of the Constitution should be an automatic disqualifier but the Cult won't care - they support him unconditionally like good little puppets.

Okay, granted in the abstract. Should being a party littered with socialists disqualify the Democrat party? C'mon sister, your party had a lifelong socialist running strong for nomination in 2016.

"but the Cult won't care - they support Manchurian Joe like good little puppets."
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He will not drop out and if he doesn't win the Rep nomination he will walk across the street and run as an independent.

He is in a Crash & Burn mode and he will threaten to take down the Republican Party with him.

That's not necessarily a bad thing.
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He will not drop out and if he doesn't win the Rep nomination he will walk across the street and run as an independent.

He is in a Crash & Burn mode and he will threaten to take down the Republican Party with him.
That's what I think too.

He will split the Republican vote down the middle and we can all watch an admittedly horrible President get re-elected in a landslide in 2024.

It's the Nero Decree. He doesn't care anything about the Republican Party. He only cares about being in power. If he can't be their nominee, then he will burn the whole place down. Loyalty is a one way street with Trump. He is bitterly vindictive.
Good. Hopefully he sees the writing on the wall and drops out.
I don't know if he can. The Mar A Lago fiasco probably sealed it. I don't think he was going to run before that. He seemed to enjoy being kingmaker. Another failed run will take that away too.
In all fairness, both parties are guilty wanting to change parts of the constitution. But your blinders won’t allow you see that.

In all fairness, I exposed you as a spineless coward who runs and hides when challenged, all talk and no action. But your blinders won't allow you to see that.
In all fairness, I exposed you as a spineless coward who runs and hides when challenged, all talk and no action. But your blinders won't allow you to see that.
STFU ya damn overweight drag queen. You couldn’t expose film in sunlight.
That's what I think too.

He will split the Republican vote down the middle and we can all watch an admittedly horrible President get re-elected in a landslide in 2024.

It's the Nero Decree. He doesn't care anything about the Republican Party. He only cares about being in power. If he can't be their nominee, then he will burn the whole place down. Loyalty is a one way street with Trump. He is bitterly vindictive.

This would be a good cycle to trot out Newsom. Might be their only chance to get that buffoon in the WH.
He will not drop out and if he doesn't win the Rep nomination he will walk across the street and run as an independent.

He is in a Crash & Burn mode and he will threaten to take down the Republican Party with him.

Where he's guaranteed to lose the popular and electoral vote.
I'm not seeing it. I think he wants the office, not wrestling with Green or Libertarian parties over 4% of the vote.
Setting aside the Constitution ... Is setting aside the Constituion. You can't do it.

The Supreme Court would shoot Trump down 9-0 if he tried it.

You do realize there is this little gem in Article II Section 1: "Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress: but no Senator or Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector."

That's been amended, but there's apparently latitude, and things don't seem quite as cut and dried as you anti-Trumpers think. Remember we've had "faithless electors", too. Trump proposed doing something; dems just do stuff that violates the Constitution without announcing they are doing so.
STFU ya damn overweight drag queen. You couldn’t expose film in sunlight.

Damn, first I expose your cowardice and now I trigger a complete meltdown - the double dip on a Monday, thanks for starting my week off with such a bang. You reap what you sow and I won't forget.
This is an epic level of hypocrisy. Republicans complain about the censorship from big tech all the time ... but you are suggesting that the government should shut down certain media outlets? LOL.

By the way, this can't happen for two reasons :

1) NBC and CNN don't have broadcast licenses which can be pulled.

2) It would obviously be a violation of the 1st Amendment, if Trump as President, tried to silence media outlets.

OK if you want to be technical about it, just pull reporter's accreditation if they can't discover and report fact. As far as the other part, it's hard to say who owns what when it comes to broadcasting; but broadcasters are licensed, they do have agreements with news services, and there are restrictions contained in the licenses.
Where he's guaranteed to lose the popular and electoral vote.
I'm not seeing it. I think he wants the office, not wrestling with Green or Libertarian parties over 4% of the vote.
Hence my point, he will take Some Republican votes with him.
Trump is his own nightmare right now.
It is as if he could care less about the Presidency.
His Constitutional statements as well as his dinner with YE & Fuentes were not the brightest moves.

Keeps on bashing members of the Republican Party. He is losing his grip on the party. Not sure what he has on some people in the GOP but he will call shout them out as he becomes more desperate and loses support.

The above has self destruction all over it as it was cute at first but has gotten old and unworthy of comment.

Legal issues do not help but those are not even factored into the above equation.
Trump is a Crap Stirrer. Pretty simple.

Going to be a very interesting 2 years.
You do realize there is this little gem in Article II Section 1: "Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress: but no Senator or Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector."

That's been amended, but there's apparently latitude, and things don't seem quite as cut and dried as you anti-Trumpers think. Remember we've had "faithless electors", too. Trump proposed doing something; dems just do stuff that violates the Constitution without announcing they are doing so.
I'm not sure what you're talking about, as it doesn't seem related to the post you replied to.

If you are talking about Trump's fake elector scheme, the Constitution does not give the Vice President the authority to cast aside electoral votes during the process of certification. The role of the VP is strictly one of procedural formality.

Does it make sense that it would? The Vice President is frequently on the ballot. That would leave the door open for a colossal conflict of interest.

Trump did far more than propose the fake elector scheme. He went to considerable effort to orchestrate it, including trying to bully Trump into doing it.
OK if you want to be technical about it, just pull reporter's accreditation if they can't discover and report fact. As far as the other part, it's hard to say who owns what when it comes to broadcasting; but broadcasters are licensed, they do have agreements with news services, and there are restrictions contained in the licenses.
NBC and CNN do not have broadcast licenses, and you don't need "accreditation" to work as a journalist. It still sounds like you are in favor of censorship in some cases. That's very inconsistent with all the whining we get from the right about the censorship of conservatives by big tech. You can't have it both ways.
Probably he’s pissed off his wife left him for an air force guy. Now he’s stuck doing drag shows and watching child porn.

You know precisely what it's about. This post shows so much insecurity and fear - projecting machoism but scared of your own shadow. Clearly compensating for something. Not unexpected considering how afraid you were a couple of months ago, I've never seen anyone fold so quickly and skulk away utterly defeated.
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You know precisely what it's about. This post shows so much insecurity and fear - projecting machoism but scared of your own shadow. Clearly compensating for something. Not unexpected considering how afraid you were a couple of months ago, I've never seen anyone fold so quickly and skulk away utterly defeated.

TBF, it’s possible that be that he reneges on so many wagers that it’s not a memorable occurrence.
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You know precisely what it's about. This post shows so much insecurity and fear - projecting machoism but scared of your own shadow. Clearly compensating for something. Not unexpected considering how afraid you were a couple of months ago, I've never seen anyone fold so quickly and skulk away utterly defeated.
Why would someone be afraid of someone on VolNation?
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