Trump Deliberately Lied To Americans About Covid 19

Trump played politics with the virus, while understanding that it was very deadly. What happens during the next crisis, when Trump is reassuring the country and accusing the media of just blowing things out of proportion to hurt him politically? This man has no business being president. He doesn't take his responsibility seriously.

It looked like all of us were getting so much conflicting information from everybody involved - CDC, WHO, particularly China, and anybody else with a voice - that Trump felt like he was winging it regardless of what he said. Remember that everybody was trying to figure out what was going on in Italy and nobody was immediately thinking about closing the airline's barn door to Europe. When in a crisis, you have to first figure out where you are - what information is reliable before you can really get into options for handling the mess. This kind of crisis isn't the kind of first aid response that a soldier in basic training is taught ... a stop the bleeding, clear the airway ... kind of step by step process that echoes in your head forever after. I have to assume in spite of it all, that at least our people in government were honestly attempting to steer things in the right direction in spite of their bureaucratic ineptness and unpreparedness. There's no doubt whatsoever that the Chinese were at their dishonest and duplicitous best in trying to subvert and to cover up the problem - the source, the depth, and any honest progress toward mitigation. If you remember, the Chinese pretty much went directly to martial law as a stopgap, and that sort of panicked response was the only model the rest of the world saw and could only draw on the severity of the disease from that. Your choice with our style of governance - go that way or downplay it?
Let me see if I have this straight. Trump lies to the American public about the serious nature of the virus and it’s on tape. No debating that one. Then he says it’s all because he “didn’t want everybody to panic” and that makes him a “leader”. But he didn’t mind trying to panic suburban housewives with another lie by telling them that Antifa protesters are coming to their neighborhood and they are no longer going to be safe. (Would that be called Selective Panic Syndrome?) Face it people. Trump is a pathological liar who just can’t help himself. He wakes up lying and goes to bed lying. Amazing that he’s convinced 35 to 40% of the populace that they should pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. Of course, somebody once said: “There’s a sucker born every minute.” Trump certainly tapped into that gold mine.
He'd dig a deeper basement.
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Let me see if I have this straight. Trump lies to the American public about the serious nature of the virus and it’s on tape. No debating that one. Then he says it’s all because he “didn’t want everybody to panic” and that makes him a “leader”. But he didn’t mind trying to panic suburban housewives with another lie by telling them that Antifa protesters are coming to their neighborhood and they are no longer going to be safe. (Would that be called Selective Panic Syndrome?) Face it people. Trump is a pathological liar who just can’t help himself. He wakes up lying and goes to bed lying. Amazing that he’s convinced 35 to 40% of the populace that they should pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. Of course, somebody once said: “There’s a sucker born every minute.” Trump certainly tapped into that gold mine.

You can pull a gun and shoot an Antifa invader - harder to fight what you can't see and at the time didn't understand. Did you know that now there are a couple of articles discussing the possibility of covid in LA in December before we even knew about covid in China? Revisionism, speculation, or whatever, there's a lot about the whole episode and the handling that we'll probably never know. The bungling by those not named Trump was probably epic in itself.
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You know what they say, or maybe they don't, but I do...............
Everybody lies, some lie more than others, Trump lies more than all.

He's horrendously despicable, there is no longer even a debate.
Question: Who is more despicable? Trump or Bob Woodward for not telling us about this until now when his book is coming out?

So he risked lives to help get some book buzz?
Question: Who is more despicable? Trump or Bob Woodward for not telling us about this until now when his book is coming out?

So he risked lives to help get some book buzz?

People in conversations tonight agreed that “he’s just a reporter. What was he supposed to do?”

I honestly couldn’t believe my ears.
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Let me see if I have this straight. Trump lies to the American public about the serious nature of the virus and it’s on tape. No debating that one. Then he says it’s all because he “didn’t want everybody to panic” and that makes him a “leader”. But he didn’t mind trying to panic suburban housewives with another lie by telling them that Antifa protesters are coming to their neighborhood and they are no longer going to be safe. (Would that be called Selective Panic Syndrome?) Face it people. Trump is a pathological liar who just can’t help himself. He wakes up lying and goes to bed lying. Amazing that he’s convinced 35 to 40% of the populace that they should pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. Of course, somebody once said: “There’s a sucker born every minute.” Trump certainly tapped into that gold mine.
We are in a tribal political environment right now. There is no way these conservatives on here would have defended Barack Obama for admitting that he had downplayed the H1N1 virus in 2009.
Trump was simultaneously accusing the media of blowing the virus out of proportion in order to hurt his chances of being re-elected. Fox News picked up on that narrative and ran with it. That is why Trish Regan is no longer on the Fox Business Channel. She was following Trump's lead, and downplaying the virus, while also accusing the media of blowing the virus out of proportion in order to hurt Trump. Trish Regan called the virus "another impeachment scam".
The media was and still are blowing out of proportion
We are in a tribal political environment right now. There is no way these conservatives on here would have defended Barack Obama for admitting that he had downplayed the H1N1 virus in 2009.
You are right..... people would have whined back and forth about things that are not important while ignoring things that actually make a difference
The media was and still are blowing out of proportion
LOL! In Donald Trump's recorded interviews with Bob Woodward, he describes the Coronavirus in very serious terms. Donald Trump talks about how it is more deadly than the "strenuous flu". Trump also tells Woodward how the virus doesn't just impact elderly people either, but how it is possible for children to contract the Coronavirus as well. This is notable, because in the days after these interviews, Trump publicly said that children were "almost immune" from the Coronavirus. He encouraged school administrators to reopen schools. Based on Trump's own words to Woodward, he knew that children weren't immune. Listen to those recorded interviews with Woodward. Trump is speaking about the Coronavirus in terms just as serious as the media was at the time.
Question: Who is more despicable? Trump or Bob Woodward for not telling us about this until now when his book is coming out?

So he risked lives to help get some book buzz?

I thought then as I think now that Bob Woodward's role in reporting on Watergate was a hatchet job to gain fame and fortune, and this is no different. The "reporting" of some organizations like WaPo and NYT have multiple times put the military and intelligence communities at risk. That's not done out of patriotism or decent journalism.
LOL! In Donald Trump's recorded interviews with Bob Woodward, he describes the Coronavirus in very serious terms. Donald Trump talks about how it is more deadly than the "strenuous flu". Trump also tells Woodward how the virus doesn't just impact elderly people either, but how it is possible for children to contract the Coronavirus as well. This is notable, because in the days after these interviews, Trump publicly said that children were "almost immune" from the Coronavirus. He encouraged school administrators to reopen schools. Based on Trump's own words to Woodward, he knew that children weren't immune. Listen to those recorded interviews with Woodward. Trump is speaking about the Coronavirus in terms just as serious as the media was at the time.
I agree that we should open schools fully and they we are doing it now is asinine.

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