Trump Deliberately Lied To Americans About Covid 19

Question: Who is more despicable? Trump or Bob Woodward for not telling us about this until now when his book is coming out?

So he risked lives to help get some book buzz?
Bob Woodward is not an elected official. He is just a private citizen. As for Donald Trump, it is one thing to be misrepresenting the best available information you have with the public ... it is quite another to admit so as a matter of record, while you're doing it.
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I thought then as I think now that Bob Woodward's role in reporting on Watergate was a hatchet job to gain fame and fortune, and this is no different. The "reporting" of some organizations like WaPo and NYT have multiple times put the military and intelligence communities at risk. That's not done out of patriotism or decent journalism.
He was doing his job. Most people agree that he did it very well. Every criminal allegation that Woodward and Bernstein's reporting levied against the Nixon Administration was corroborated by Nixon himself, on tape.
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You can pull a gun and shoot an Antifa invader - harder to fight what you can't see and at the time didn't understand. Did you know that now there are a couple of articles discussing the possibility of covid in LA in December before we even knew about covid in China? Revisionism, speculation, or whatever, there's a lot about the whole episode and the handling that we'll probably never know. The bungling by those not named Trump was probably epic in itself.

That's like the most 'murica response I think possible.

Trump "not wanting to incite panic" in his minions is pretty laughable given his propensity to fear monger ms-13, immigrant raperz and murdererz etc.
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Bob Woodward is not an elected official. He is just a private citizen. As for Donald Trump, it is one thing to be misrepresenting the best available information you have with the public ... it is quite another to admit so as a matter of record, while you're doing it.
This is legitimate question.... is the Woodward tapes completely unedited from start to the finish of the interview?
This is legitimate question.... is the Woodward tapes completely unedited from start to the finish of the interview?
I don't know... I will say that the strangest part of this, is that Donald Trump not only agreed to these interviews in the first place, but he also agreed to be audio recorded. Woodward just wrote a book two years ago (Fear) that was negative in nature and very critical of Trump's presidency. Did Trump actually think that this 2nd book was going to be something different? That is the part of this which really makes Trump look like a moron.
I don't know... I will say that the strangest part of this, is that Donald Trump not only agreed to these interviews in the first place, but he also agreed to be audio recorded. Woodward just wrote a book two years ago (Fear) that was negative in nature and very critical of Trump's presidency. Did Trump actually think that this 2nd book was going to be something different? That is the part of this which really makes Trump look like a moron.
Heard Dana Perino talking about this. She thought allowing the recordings was too much but said that Bush granted access to Woodward thinking he might get more of a fair shake from Woodward and that didn’t work either.
Question: Who is more despicable? Trump or Bob Woodward for not telling us about this until now when his book is coming out?

So he risked lives to help get some book buzz?
Trump in a landslide. Woodward didn't lie about covid to the public. His public comments were about the seriousness and dangers of covid.
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Question: Who is more despicable? Trump or Bob Woodward for not telling us about this until now when his book is coming out?

So he risked lives to help get some book buzz?
You need ole Bob and only Bob to tell you the dangers of Covid? You needed ole Bob to tell you the dangers of Trump? What makes Bob's words carry more weight than the millions of others that have told you the dangers of Covid and Trump? It's not like he was hiding secrets.
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I don't know... I will say that the strangest part of this, is that Donald Trump not only agreed to these interviews in the first place, but he also agreed to be audio recorded. Woodward just wrote a book two years ago (Fear) that was negative in nature and very critical of Trump's presidency. Did Trump actually think that this 2nd book was going to be something different? That is the part of this which really makes Trump look like a moron.
I don’t think he really cares to be honest.... he believes in all the publicity he can get both good and bad
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Everyone knew this would happen. Once these kids get infected, they are sending them back home at Thanksgiving to infect other people. When my daughter comes home from school, we have got to quarantine her. College kids are irresponsible.
If you are not sick or elderly.... it would probably be nothing more than a usual illness
Bob Woodward is not an elected official. He is just a private citizen. As for Donald Trump, it is one thing to be misrepresenting the best available information you have with the public ... it is quite another to admit so as a matter of record, while you're doing it.

If Trump lying about the pandemic caused the death of over a 100k people as some here have claimed. Isn’t Woodward culpable since he didn’t expose it?
You know if you put 1 bullet in a revolver and spin it. Put it to your head and pull the trigger, you may not die. Nothing may happen. I don't know why more people don't play this game.
This is a simpleton's analogy.

You don't have a 1:6, or 1:5, chance of dying from this virus.
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You know if you put 1 bullet in a revolver and spin it. Put it to your head and pull the trigger, you may not die. Nothing may happen. I don't know why more people don't play this game.
What a ridiculous analogy. If there was anywhere close to a 16-20% chance of dying from this no one would be arguing about lockdown measures or wearing a mask.
Is putting “historian” in the headline like putting “scientist” in one, gives the article an air of credibility?
One of these doofuses went after me for "appeal to authority" on something, yet they always post straight up opinion pieces with appeals to authority as if they're gospel.

These people have got to find something better to fill their souls with.

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