Trump Deliberately Lied To Americans About Covid 19

Either way, it's true.
What's true is we are led by a group of people who only want power and lack critical thinking skills that go outside that area. Their response to this had nothing to do with health and everything to do with politics. If we had real, problem-solving leaders we wouldn't be in this mess right now. You should join us in putting those in office
You know if you put 1 bullet in a revolver and spin it. Put it to your head and pull the trigger, you may not die. Nothing may happen. I don't know why more people don't play this game.
Did you just compare this virus to Russian roulette.... no wonder you are so scared of it.... on a side note..... my best friends brother died playing Russian roulette..... he suffered from violent seizures..... every night after having one.... he put one bullet in his gun and spun it.... one night it finally got him.
What's true is we are led by a group of people who only want power and lack critical thinking skills that go outside that area. Their response to this had nothing to do with health and everything to do with politics. If we had real, problem-solving leaders we wouldn't be in this mess right now. You should join us in putting those in office
You're asking someone that wants to vote for a lifelong statist to elect a problem-solver, I think it'll fall on deaf ears (or blind eyes, in this case).
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If Trump lying about the pandemic caused the death of over a 100k people as some here have claimed. Isn’t Woodward culpable since he didn’t expose it?

How's that?

Does exposing things after the fact change the reality of the past?
As opposed to voting for a lifelong it.
What, exactly, did I say that's incorrect? Is Joe Biden not a lifelong politician? And his VP pick, who that Luther dude said he'd vote for, can only lay down and spread them on her 'accomplishments'.

Actually, I may be selling her short. She does have a nice track record of locking up non-violent blacks, too.
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Not anyone sane and the numbers would be similar to the number of <15yo who have died from this. Your analogy is still absolute crap
for people with preexisting conditions, the mortality/fatality rate for the virus is bad. The lingering affects are pretty bad too.
for people with preexisting conditions, the mortality/fatality rate for the virus is bad. The lingering affects are pretty bad too.
Then they should lockdown and take precautions while the healthy go about their lives and keep this economy going

Or they can get outside and start getting healthier so the virus affects then less. I'm guessing they'll choose lockdown since it's easier
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Then they should lockdown and take precautions while the healthy go about their lives.

Or they can get outside and start getting healthier so the virus affects then less. I'm guessing they'll choose lockdown since it's easier
Being overweight and making poor life choices like being addicted to cigs, sugar, and alcohol isn't a choice, bigot.
What, exactly, did I say that's incorrect? Is Joe Biden not a lifelong politician? And his VP pick, who that Luther dude said he'd vote for, can only lay down and spread them on her 'accomplishments'.

Actually, I may be selling her short. She does have a nice track record of locking up non-violent blacks, too.
She did not. She was very liberal. However I suppose she was suppose to let criminals walk free because they were black? I don't understand this line of thinking.
So not only was Joe and the Dems against the China travel ban...Joe didn't agree when Trump expanded it into Europe either
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Being overweight and making poor life choices like being addicted to cigs, sugar, and alcohol isn't a choice, bigot.
Hey, I feel for all the fatties sucking down big gulps in between drags off their boro red. I truly do

Had I not gotten away from all of those (and adding pain pills to my list) I might be more sympathetic. I never expected anyone to change based on my terrible lifestyle so I have a hard time accommodating others
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Hey, I feel for all the fatties sucking down big gulps in between drags off their boro red. I truly do

Had I not gotten away from all of those (and adding pain pills to my list) I might be more sympathetic. I never expected anyone to change based on my terrible lifestyle so I have a hard time accommodating others
I am right there with you. I was 220 lbs on a 5'8 frame in college, and not much better after. I'm 190 lbs now with low body fat and no imminent threat of diabetes.

It's not that hard.
The president isn't the only one in intelligence meetings, dope.
So your position is that every one gets the same intelligence briefings as the president? Is this your way of absolving him of responsibility? It is everyone else's fault but his. Bob Woodward, senate democrats, President Obama, VP Biden, Pelosi.....Cuomo.....everyone but his. You guys are a joke. No mention of senate republicans though.....only thing they knew to do was to commit some insider stock trading.
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