Trump Deliberately Lied To Americans About Covid 19

She did not. She was very liberal. However I suppose she was suppose to let criminals walk free because they were black? I don't understand this line of thinking.
During her tenure as attorney general, at least 1,560 people were thrown behind bars for marijuana-related offenses from 2011 to 2016, according to data from the Washington Free Beacon.
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Top Democrats had the same info given to them too BTW.

Any politician who lied about it anything should be burned down.

These "all politicians lie" whataboutisims aren't moving the needle - unless the argument is that the outsider, non politician trump isn't really anything but an insider politician who is more of the same.
I am right there with you. I was 220 lbs on a 5'8 frame in college, and not much better after. I'm 190 lbs now with low body fat and no imminent threat of diabetes.

It's not that hard.
I went 6'2" 280 to 190 and now maintain at about 205. Dropped a 20+yr dip habit in the process. Did all this at 43yo too with a very lazy thyroid.

This had shown just how important good health actually is. I started on some vit d supplements a few yrs ago when my Dr noticed it was low. That is huge for fighting this but if in didn't go and actually heed his advice it could be problematic
Dem lawmakers. Blm destruction and antifa riots should be allowed to happen because racism and stuff
You're very misinformed. You think the protest are because we want black people to be free to commit crimes without consequence? You may want to educate yourself. The protest are happening because a person of color being pulled over for a busted tail light should not end up dead, while someone that shoots up a church is taken into custody without a scratch and taken into custody without a scratch. A person of color, that "fits the description" should not be killed because they fit the description. Afford people of color the same liberties and restraint shown to white criminals.
You're very misinformed. You think the protest are because we want black people to be free to commit crimes without consequence? You may want to educate yourself. The protest are happening because a person of color being pulled over for a busted tail light should not end up dead, while someone that shoots up a church is taken into custody without a scratch and taken into custody without a scratch. A person of color, that "fits the description" should not be killed because they fit the description. Afford people of color the same liberties and restraint shown to white criminals.
No I'm saying the police are being told to stand down in the face of massive criminal activity being committed in the name of blm and antifa

Peaceful protests are encouraged. Riots, looting and destruction should be squelched swiftly and harshly
I went 6'2" 280 to 190 and now maintain at about 205. Dropped a 20+yr dip habit in the process. Did all this at 43yo too with a very lazy thyroid.

This had shown just how important good health actually is. I started on some vit d supplements a few yrs ago when my Dr noticed it was low. That is huge for fighting this but if in didn't go and actually heed his advice it could be problematic
The biggest change for me was honestly water. Nobody realizes how dehydrated they are. I drink almost a gallon and a half each day.

And getting strong doesn't need a bunch of weights either. Bodyweight exercise has done more for my health and strength than even the programs I did with trainers and playing sports at 14-18 in school.
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Everyone knew this would happen. Once these kids get infected, they are sending them back home at Thanksgiving to infect other people. When my daughter comes home from school, we have got to quarantine her. College kids are irresponsible.
Wait, you are going to force your adult daughter to quarantine, even if she has no symptoms and has had zero close contact with some one who did become infected?
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Listen to Trump privately say in February that the coronavirus is 'more deadly' than the worst flu as he publicly lied about the threat.

Listen to Trump privately say in February that the coronavirus is 'more deadly' than the worst flu as he publicly lied about the threat

Trump: "It goes through air, Bob". "You just breathe the air and that's how it's passed".
Trump: "It's also more deadly than your, you know, your, even your strenuous Flus."
Trump: "This is more deadly. This is five per, you know, this is five percent versus one percent and less than one percent."

Why would you cause widespread panic? Seems like that would only worsen the problem.
No I'm saying the police are being told to stand down in the face of massive criminal activity being committed in the name of blm and antifa

Peaceful protests are encouraged. Riots, looting and destruction should be squelched swiftly and harshly
A lot of Antifa protestors are white. The BLM protests are peaceful marches during the day. A lot of militias are also infiltrating protests to cause havoc. You're mixing all these groups together and saying they are all bad. However, America was built on looting and destruction. The rioting and destruction that happened during desegregation and the civil rights era, during reconstruction, and during the red summer are just a few instances in the country's history. History always repeats itself.
You're very misinformed. You think the protest are because we want black people to be free to commit crimes without consequence? You may want to educate yourself. The protest are happening because a person of color being pulled over for a busted tail light should not end up dead, while someone that shoots up a church is taken into custody without a scratch and taken into custody without a scratch. A person of color, that "fits the description" should not be killed because they fit the description. Afford people of color the same liberties and restraint shown to white criminals.
I agree in certain that happens but the guy that shot up the church put his gun down and surrendered to the cops when they showed up..... now fast forward to the Portland antifa guy who came out guns blazing and he died in the street.

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