Trump Deliberately Lied To Americans About Covid 19

Either because they're black or rioting and looting in support of a "black cause". It was need and has been discussed here. Things like this

St. Louis rioters not being prosecuted, attorney general says |

I know when I'm interested in a subject I don't rely on others to provide the info
I’m pretty familiar with the facts, thanks. It’s just easier to get you to provide info that doesn’t support what you’re saying than to argue over your mischaracterizations of it and have you whine about sources.

For example, your own article contains multiple paragraphs about the DA saying there wasn’t enough evidence to try these people and that she would bring charges when she had evidence and did, in fact, charge two people. Seems slightly different than telling you they should be released because they’re black. Also seems totally plausible given the chaos and confusion that was evident in videos and witness statements from all of those events.
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So your position is that every one gets the same intelligence briefings as the president? Is this your way of absolving him of responsibility? It is everyone else's fault but his. Bob Woodward, senate democrats, President Obama, VP Biden, Pelosi.....Cuomo.....everyone but his. You guys are a joke. No mention of senate republicans though.....only thing they knew to do was to commit some insider stock trading.
Wouldn't call it absolving but I would also not spend your sole energy only blaming him. Democrats, senate Republicans, Fauci all could have said something if they thought he was keeping it to himself. They didn't. Is this your way of absolving every democrat in that meeting? I don't think it's a big deal because the "revelations" aren't new and aren't only on one person's shoulders. The top Dems did get the same briefings. That isn't assumption. It's fact.
I’m pretty familiar with the facts, thanks. It’s just easier to get you to provide info that doesn’t support what you’re saying than to argue over your mischaracterizations of it and have you whine about sources.

For example, your own article contains multiple paragraphs about the DA saying there wasn’t enough evidence to try these people and that she would bring charges when she had evidence and did, in fact, charge two people. Seems slightly different than telling you they should be released because they’re black. Also seems totally plausible given the chaos and confusion that was evident in videos and witness statements from all of those events.
didn't seem like you're really up on the facts based on your questions

2 people charged in all that? Sounds like they really locked it down
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Any politician who lied about it anything should be burned down.

These "all politicians lie" whataboutisims aren't moving the needle - unless the argument is that the outsider, non politician trump isn't really anything but an insider politician who is more of the same.
Agreed but he also didn't lie. He admitted to being positive about it. It's not new. I personally don't think it's a big deal either way. But if you do have a problem about it, stay true to your self proclaimed principals and direct that energy to all involved, not just the one that thinks sorta different on other topics.
didn't seem like you're really up on the facts based on your questions

2 people charged in all that? Sounds like they really locked it down
From your article:
In a press conference Tuesday with other city leaders including Mayor Lyda Krewson, Public Safety Director Jimmie Edwards, Chief John Hayden and Fire Chief Dennis Jenkerson, Gardner said she would “use the full power of the law” to prosecute those involved in violence.

“What happened last night was not about nonviolent protests, what happened was a small group of individuals chose to benefit off of the pain and suffering of our community and use it as excuse to … engage in senseless violence,” she said. “I will continue to uphold the rights to peacefully protest, but I want to be clear, I will use the full power of the law and my officer (sic) to prosecute and hold accountable anyone who murders police officers, shoots at police offices or harms anyone in my community.

“These people who commit these heinous acts are not interested in finding solutions to intractable racism at the heart of the protests, but they’re using this opportunity to cause chaos to everyone. Understand that you will be held responsible for these senseless acts of violence.”

Yeah, I can see how I’m the one “not up on the facts.”

Imagine telling everyone for years that you’re some kind of diehard libertarian and then advocating for people to be jailed without sufficient evidence.
Although my wife and I are licensed gun owners, and both have CCP, we never open carry for fear of this happening. For some police, any person of color with a legal handgun is a threat. None of my friends open carry either.
I think the issues goes both directions..... there is changes that need to be made with policing training, laws, and less lethal forms policing that actually work( most barely slow down a subject especially when drugs are involved)..... on the other side there a huge issues on these urban black communities..... you can just look at what happens in one weekend in places like chicago..... cops are human and if they have to deal with such violence from one segment of the community on a regular basis.... it will be become extremely hard to tell a decent African American that carries from one that just fought him and shot at him two days before...... I have a lot of black friends( I know that is racist so I apologize in advance) but their is a huge difference in rough white neighborhoods compared to rough black neighborhoods.... in white neighborhood..... besides his friends everyone will point their finger at the guy and want him gone..... in black neighborhoods even black people that are afraid of the person and want him gone will stand behind him( probably due to racism making that community closer.... having to depend on each other) that’s why in Ferguson a few anonymous people came forward about what really happened instead of the narrative that was told at the beginning
Well I'm definitely not voting for him now. A lying dare he.

Biden’s brain won’t let him lie, because he doesn’t even know where he at 90% of the time
**pray the Headlines don’t read, America elects brain dead politician that sold his country down the road
Only in America!
Unbelievable, but true!
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From your article:

Yeah, I can see how I’m the one “not up on the facts.”

Imagine telling everyone for years that you’re some kind of diehard libertarian and then advocating for people to be jailed without sufficient evidence.
No I'm saying there were enough out there with sufficient evidence against them who were obviously not pursued in many cities. The police literally had to abandon their precinct because of violence, destruction and threats when Chazchop was created.
I think the issues goes both directions..... there is changes that need to be made with policing training, laws, and less lethal forms policing that actually work( most barely slow down a subject especially when drugs are involved)..... on the other side there a huge issues on these urban black communities..... you can just look at what happens in one weekend in places like chicago..... cops are human and if they have to deal with such violence from one segment of the community on a regular basis.... it will be become extremely hard to tell a decent African American that carries from one that just fought him and shot at him two days before...... I have a lot of black friends( I know that is racist so I apologize in advance) but their is a huge difference in rough white neighborhoods compared to rough black neighborhoods.... in white neighborhood..... besides his friends everyone will point their finger at the guy and want him gone..... in black neighborhoods even black people that are afraid of the person and want him gone will stand behind him( probably due to racism making that community closer.... having to depend on each other) that’s why in Ferguson a few anonymous people came forward about what really happened instead of the narrative that was told at the beginning
the people that are wanting to defund police are mostly educated white leftists. Go into a poor black neighborhood and ask them if they want more social workers or police.
And when the number of infected are still just fractions of the population I dont see how the final number matters if deaths are lower?

It seems like that is the next goal post shift.
15 days to flatten the curve turned into no deaths which is now no sickness. Ever changing standard the corona bros are using to justify the freakout.

It's a complete crap standard at that too. Except for pure statistical curiosity why would the number of sick matter? Hospitalized is a drain on resources and "serious" cases, that makes sense to worried about. Number of dead is obviously a worry and worth tracking. But with people working from home, and most of the infected not even knowing they are sick why does that matter enough to say X state is bad? Its informative but beyond that I see little value in the panic. We never worried about that before.

The reason we are told H1N1 was a bad reference was because Covid kills more. But if you look at sick/infected, which is the metric we apparently now care about, H1N1 was way way worse.

Pick a metric and stick to it.

I don’t know what you’re talking about here.

Are you complaining about goalpost shifts that you expect but haven’t happened?

I know you understand that different metrics are appropriate in different contexts.

The only true “goalpost shifting” that I have seen has largely been in response to the constant retreat of the deniers as they shift to some new metric and, once those numbers invariably go bad, people have pointed it out. (Like in early June when things reopened and cases were going up but not deaths. All you heard from the morons was that nobody was dying. Then, predictably, a few weeks later people started dying from the virus they had contracted weeks earlier.)

Based on what I’ve been told by physicians, death is not the only bad outcome from this. But death seems to be the only generally accepted bad outcome around here so I’m willing to have the conversation in that context.

Maybe you meant to include this in a response to somebody else or maybe you’re just ranting in general, idk.

Again Atlanta throws that whole thing for a curve. We are one of the world's busiest airports, yet alone the country's. Big metro area. We weren't hit hard or early. We opened up well before anyone else did, even Trump came out against how early we opened up.we had been open at least a month before they really got a hold of what Covid does.

And a good portion of the drop off in the areas hit hard are going to be from the natural virus curve, not anything they did. And for the southern and other states you see the exact same curves hit that the northern states went thru. Again natural virus spread. No one should be shocked by any of this.
First, it’s a correlation, not an exact match. Clearly, communities like Houston and Atlanta that still have large suburban populations had slower early spread.

Second, this is not how I remember the situation in Atlanta, at all. I definitely remember a discussion on here about an outlying community’s police department towing cars from a closed hiking area because they didn’t want a bunch of Typhoid Marys from Atlanta coming up there and infecting their community by walking around in the woods. So you are saying Atlanta didn’t have a bad outbreak early on, relative to what?

Assuming you’re correct, then you’re saying neither geography nor behavior make a difference, so explain why every state doesn’t look exactly the same in terms of viral load?
I think the issues goes both directions..... there is changes that need to be made with policing training, laws, and less lethal forms policing that actually work( most barely slow down a subject especially when drugs are involved)..... on the other side there a huge issues on these urban black communities..... you can just look at what happens in one weekend in places like chicago..... cops are human and if they have to deal with such violence from one segment of the community on a regular basis.... it will be become extremely hard to tell a decent African American that carries from one that just fought him and shot at him two days before...... I have a lot of black friends( I know that is racist so I apologize in advance) but their is a huge difference in rough white neighborhoods compared to rough black neighborhoods.... in white neighborhood..... besides his friends everyone will point their finger at the guy and want him gone..... in black neighborhoods even black people that are afraid of the person and want him gone will stand behind him( probably due to racism making that community closer.... having to depend on each other) that’s why in Ferguson a few anonymous people came forward about what really happened instead of the narrative that was told at the beginning
No snitching, which is dumb, is prevalent in all communities. If it was not, there would not be crime in other communities. So that is a false narrative.
Biden’s brain won’t let him lie, because he doesn’t even know where he at 90% of the time
**pray the Headlines don’t read, America elects brain dead politician that sold his country down the road
Only in America!
Unbelievable, but true!
so the point to setting the bar so low for Biden is what. donald can not correctly pronounce Yosemite.
No snitching, which is dumb, is prevalent in all communities. If it was not, there would not be crime in other communities. So that is a false narrative.
It wasn’t necessarily a bad thing..... I was trying to point out that those communities tend to stick together more
Everyone knew this would happen. Once these kids get infected, they are sending them back home at Thanksgiving to infect other people. When my daughter comes home from school, we have got to quarantine her. College kids are irresponsible.

Are you serious? Your going to quarantine your daughter when she comes home from college to see you for the holidays ? Did you read how bad this sounded before you hit that post button ? Smh
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Heard Dana Perino talking about this. She thought allowing the recordings was too much but said that Bush granted access to Woodward thinking he might get more of a fair shake from Woodward and that didn’t work either.
They do know that Woodward is not a right wing journalist, right? Being nice to them will not obligate them to return the favor. If anyone should know this, it should be Trump.
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No I'm saying there were enough out there with sufficient evidence against them who were obviously not pursued in many cities. The police literally had to abandon their precinct because of violence, destruction and threats when Chazchop was created.
Link to the sufficient evidence?
You're right, probably an act of spontaneous combustion
You realize “something burned” does not a criminal case make, right?

I suppose the angry mob was shouting the names of the people throwing things? Or the perps wrote their identifying information on flame resistant material and tucked it into their Molotov cocktails? Maybe their all-black clothes had numbers visible only in the ultraviolet spectrum and their names and SSNs were published in a program, somewhere?

Or do you think Police just waded into the crowd in the dark and identified the one masked person among hundreds who threw something? That seem like typical police behavior, to you?

Usually when people move the goalposts, they find a more favorable goalpost rather than just making another dumb statement that they can’t possibly support.

Edit: okay no that actually doesn’t usually happen around here.
So how many deaths are there really?
I don’t know. It’s somewhere between the 6% and the number reported. The average age of those that are included in the 190K is 78. I’m not saying everything has gone well. I don’t agree with some things that have happened but it’s not anything like what the Dems and MSM are portraying.
I went 6'2" 280 to 190 and now maintain at about 205. Dropped a 20+yr dip habit in the process. Did all this at 43yo too with a very lazy thyroid.

This had shown just how important good health actually is. I started on some vit d supplements a few yrs ago when my Dr noticed it was low. That is huge for fighting this but if in didn't go and actually heed his advice it could be problematic

Quitting Copenhagen was the hardest thing I’ve ever done .
Trump played politics with the virus, while understanding that it was very deadly. What happens during the next crisis, when Trump is reassuring the country and accusing the media of just blowing things out of proportion to hurt him politically? This man has no business being president. He doesn't take his responsibility seriously.
You’re right. He did play politics. He should’ve kicked Fauci early on and didn’t.
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It wasn’t necessarily a bad thing..... I was trying to point out that those communities tend to stick together more
Don't all communities stick together, depended on race and socio-economic status? I mean would there be a long history of organized crimes if those communities of Italians didn't stick together? Or other forms of crime. It is what it is. For you to broad brush the black community as enabling crime is disingenuous. But that is just my opinion. I mean I read stories of white families turning a blind eye to individuals in their community committing crime.

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