Trump has the virus

Hilarious. I agree with you and it still isn’t enough for you. See how this works for you. CNN lies all the time and allows liars to spread lies on their show. How many times did they have Brennan, Comey, Schiff, etc. on their show claiming they had proof of Trump colluding with Russia? How many times did someone employed by CNN state as a fact that Trump colluded with Russia, Trump is a Russian agent, or something along those lines (and equally as stupid)? They weren’t saying there’s a chance it happened and it needs to be looked into further for verification. They were saying it happened. How many times has CNN repeated the lie about what Trump said regarding Charlottesville? He very clearly said there are fine people on both sides not including white nationalists and neo-Nazis but that’s not the BS lies told by CNN and others, including Biden himself. Every single Dem, every single member of CNN, MSNBC, and the like spread these exact same lies word for word. The latest is this denouncement of white supremacists BS. Trump has clearly done so many times and there’s video to prove it. If you don’t believe him that’s fine, I don’t care, but for those saying he hasn’t ever denounced those groups or won’t, that’s a lie. Every single day these groups tell multiple lies about Trump. Biden lies about all this stuff PLUS all of his agenda items. He says, “I don’t want to end fracking.” Really, because there’s video of you saying the opposite. Which is the lie? He says he’s not in agreement with the Green New Deal but his campaign website says otherwise. He makes up stories about war, college, how he met his wife, and says he won’t raise taxes in one breath then says he will remove tax cuts in the next. He claimed not to know anything about Flynn but his unmasking request says otherwise, not to mention the briefing meeting. Between lying about his agenda, his life, and Trump, I guarantee you Biden lies more than Trump. You just don’t want to see it. Eventually you all with figure out that jokes and sarcasm aren’t lies. Yes, Trump embellishes, exaggerates, and flat lies at times. For example, I don’t believe he didn’t know who David Duke was and I don’t believe he was being sarcastic when talking about the infamous injecting cleaner comments but most of what CNN and others claim are lies are not actually lies. If the Dems and MSM hadn’t lost their sh1t when it comes to Trump then they’d probably have a decent shot to win, even with Joe, but I’m telling you now that, assuming Trump is healthy, he will win re-election.
I don't know the answers to your CNN questions. I rarely watch it. I'm not discounting the Donald to win again. He still lies and does so every day. BTW, I'm not a Biden fan so you've wasted an hour of your time pleading your case
I thought we were talking Proud Boys. You gave a link to a general "white supremacists". What have the Proud Boys actually done so far? I had never heard of them until a few days ago on here. Who have they killed? What building have they burned? What stores have they looted? I don't know the answers.
I have no idea who the proud boys are. I only heard the name a couple of days ago, and thought they were black.

Weird, you said almost that exact same thing over a year ago. Everything okay?
Acting U.S. DHS security intelligence chief says he agrees with FBI on white supremacist threat

Discrediting everyone who is an expert in their field is very trumpian, but accomplishes nothing but providing an avenue to refute facts when you have none of your own. It’s shameful that US intelligence, the free press, the WHO, CDC, EPA, DOE, NOAA and so many others have been undermined by a “leader” solely for the sake of politics. Facts and non-political professionals have been under attack for better than 4 years. It’s flat out authoritarian and it’s dangerous.
I’ve never mentioned the proud boys. Somebody would have to explain them to me. So no, that’s not what I’m talking about.
You're wasting your time with that one.
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I asked a question about the proud boys in #2509, and you responded with your FBI stuff.

I don’t care about the proud boys and that’s not what I was talking about in the first place, so I fail to understand the relavence.
I'm on a layover in Los Angeles. Westin hotel. Very nice digs. Gym is closed. No coffee maker in the room anymore. You are required to wear a mask when you go to the bathroom (well... not really, but...) All the restaurants are take out only.

As someone said earlier, when the history is written about this the medical community will be embarrassed.

4 more years!
Not as much as this entire country will be embarrassed that we elected a carnival barking con man
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If you dont want to be around a bunch of people not wearing masks, then dont be around them. Pretty damn simple, be an adult.

At this point I am doing vulnerable people a favor by not wearing a mask. I am admitting I dont wear a mask anywhere so dont get near me. That is better than me wearing a mask in Kroger and a vulnerable person being lulled into complaceny thinking I wear a mask everywhere.
You're asking people to act as adults but you refuse to wear a mask? Couldn't make it up if you tried
You're asking people to act as adults but you refuse to wear a mask? Couldn't make it up if you tried

Indeed. I interact with dozens of well educated like minded people daily. People with advanced degrees from places all over the world. I think they are quite comfortable with their decision making.
Weird, you said almost that exact same thing over a year ago. Everything okay?
I still haven't read any articles about them. Just saw that they were at one of the protests. I know nothing about them, other than the left hates them, but the left hates everyone that doesn't agree with them. I figured that if they were a major player, I would hear about them killing, looting, and/or burning.
or this person
Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) Tweeted:
I will be leaving the great Walter Reed Medical Center today at 6:30 P.M. Feeling really good! Don’t be afraid of Covid. Don’t let it dominate your life. We have developed, under the Trump Administration, some really great drugs & knowledge. I feel better than I did 20 years ago!
Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) Tweeted:
I will be leaving the great Walter Reed Medical Center today at 6:30 P.M. Feeling really good! Don’t be afraid of Covid. Don’t let it dominate your life. We have developed, under the Trump Administration, some really great drugs & knowledge. I feel better than I did 20 years ago!

Less than 84 hours from admission till discharge and he’s back in the saddle. Liberal heads everywhere explode.

But I’m sure our lawyer medical experts will be by shortly to tell us this clearly isn’t the case as they have parsed his treatment cocktail and it clearly shows he’s in more serious condition than they are leading on.

What was the bigger deal? Plasma takes longer, but so does double red.

She wasn't into discussing it - wives get that way, but in all fairness she had significant lingering headaches for some time. Apparently it's more complex process because the red blood cells are returned after the plasma is separated. I imagine the bigger deal was that she still hadn't completely bounced back from being sick - full recovery took a few weeks, and at two months she still has no sense of smell and little taste.
I still haven't read any articles about them. Just saw that they were at one of the protests. I know nothing about them, other than the left hates them, but the left hates everyone that doesn't agree with them. I figured that if they were a major player, I would hear about them killing, looting, and/or burning.
Just concerned that you first heard about them more than a year ago (it appears some people linked articles about them at the time) but you apparently forgot and thought you first heard about them only a few days ago. Hope you’re okay.

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