Trump has the virus

At the end of the day, this entire episode with Trump getting Covid just illustrates once again the divide that was already present between the two views of the illness and how serious it is.

Those in the camp to which I belong will just continue to shake our heads and marvel at what we perceive to be the willful and irresponsible failure of Trump et al to come to grips with it. Trumpsters will continue to stand with Trump and claim my camp is overreacting to it.

Everybody has to decide for themsevles which they think is correct. I doubt anyone's mind has changed because of the last 72 hours or so.
Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) Tweeted:
I will be leaving the great Walter Reed Medical Center today at 6:30 P.M. Feeling really good! Don’t be afraid of Covid. Don’t let it dominate your life. We have developed, under the Trump Administration, some really great drugs & knowledge. I feel better than I did 20 years ago!

Hey @evillawyer and @BowlBrother85 post those Obama lawyer medical opinion tweets again on how he clearly was in serious condition and the doctors weren’t being truthful those were awesome 😂
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I know 2 that slept it off for good. People that have f***ed up immune systems have problems.
I know a couple of people that did the same thing. Also know a couple of people who were in good health who had symptoms. And no, they didn't have f'ed up immune systems.

Where did you obtain your medical degree? love your enthusiasm
Had this president had ANY support form the left and the MSM, he could have accomplished more amazing things. He did a tremendous amount without their support. It is really a shame that your side chose to be so obstructionist.. It's too bad you have chosen the most despicable people imaginable to run as your leaders in the last 2 elections. I pray that the American people see what you are doing and vote you out in the largest landslide in the history of American politics.

America first. **** Europe and **** China.
Had this president had ANY support form the left and the MSM, he could have accomplished more amazing things. He did a tremendous amount without their support. It is really a shame that your side chose to be so obstructionist.. It's too bad you have chosen the most despicable people imaginable to run as your leaders in the last 2 elections. I pray that the American people see what you are doing and vote you out in the largest landslide in the history of American politics.

America first. **** Europe and **** China.
I haven't chosen anyone and my side is America. Sorry, you've got it wrong again
I haven't chosen anyone and my side is America. Sorry, you've got it wrong again
You sure could have fooled me. Voting for Dr Dementia is not in the best interests of this country. And if you are voting third party, I really don't care what you have to say because you are wasting your vote and my time
Again, it is possible to 1) genuinely hope that everyone recovers fully and quickly, including Trump and his circle of aides, etc., but 2) to also genuinely AND CORRECTLY point out that this is a direct result of Trump's insanely irresponsible approach to dealing with the virus at the WH and events there and to also point out that he thereofre necessarily shoulders a lot of the blame for it.
This gets us one step closer to here immunity. A few of us have got to go out and live our lives and risk catching it.
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You sure could have fooled me. Voting for Dr Dementia is not in the best interests of this country. And if you are voting third party, I really don't care what you have to say because you are wasting your vote and my time
Trump is going to carry the state of Tennessee. Apparently I have fooled you. Don't be so quick to judge those who don't support Trump.
I'm one of the ones who never thought he had COVID in the first place and that it was ploy to change the narrative.

We're not talking about his dumpster fire of a debate performance anymore, so you might be on to something.

The tail may be wagging the dog.
So you never heard of them until a few days/more than a year ago, but consider them to be scumbags and the lowest form of life?

Seems judgmental.
You made a large jump there. I said they, like you, apparently didn't make a big impression on me. I would never say they are as scummy as lawyers without knowing much more about them. Give me some links to where the proud boys screw both halves of a married couple, loot estates, file meritless motions to drag out proceedings so they can bill more hours, lie in court, attack decent people testifying truthfully, suppress evidence, etc. and then I can decide if they belong in your category.
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This gets us one step closer to here immunity. A few of us have got to go out and live our lives and risk catching it.

It’s weird to hear so many people talk about herd immunity without understanding it.

Explain to me the concept of herd immunity and the flu.
Had this president had ANY support form the left and the MSM, he could have accomplished more amazing things. He did a tremendous amount without their support. It is really a shame that your side chose to be so obstructionist.. It's too bad you have chosen the most despicable people imaginable to run as your leaders in the last 2 elections. I pray that the American people see what you are doing and vote you out in the largest landslide in the history of American politics.

America first. **** Europe and **** China.
Are you ready to launch a ground assault on China?
It’s weird to hear so many people talk about herd immunity without understanding it.

Explain to me the concept of herd immunity and the flu.
I've never known a message board to have so many infectious disease experts as this one. We're lucky to have all these informed opinions
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You made a large jump there. I said they, like you, apparently didn't make a big impression on me. I would never say they are as scummy as lawyers without knowing much more about them. Give me some links to where the proud boys screw both halves of a married couple, loot estates, file meritless motions to drag out proceedings so they can bill more hours, lie in court, attack decent people testifying truthfully, suppress evidence, etc. and then I can decide if they belong in your category.

So I haven’t made a big impression on you, but you’ve decided I do those things?

...Still seems judgmental.

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