Trump has the virus

Heh. FYI the Constitution doesn't establish a set # of SCOTUS judges. In fact, it's varied widely over the years.

Should the GOP presumably push their judge through prior to Trump's departure this January, it'd tilt the court 6-3 for the conservatives. Most people, including me, favor a balanced court. So, yeah, I'd expect Congress to expand the # of SCOTUS seats to 11, 12 or 13 in the event the Dems control Congress and the Presidency.
Like I said, good luck. LOOOOL
Trumps Perfect Message of Hope on COVID: "Don't Let it Dominate You"

Don't even worry about it, in fact. No biggie. If you get sick, just grab a helicopter ride to your local clinic where 7 doctors and staff will tend to you day and night, experimental treatments will be administered to you. All standard, for everyone.
So "most," at a minimum, means more than half. Please list the population/age cohorts for which COVID is less deadly than the flu and compare those with the population/age cohorts for which COVID is more deadly and tell me which tally is larger. Thx, I'll wait.
And as usual he is spot on
He grades on a curve, and in order to get Cuomo anywhere near passing he had to.
You mean when they were saying 2 million deaths in the US this year and he downplayed that?

And was correct??

I see you’re still trying to rewrite the narrative.
Now, the real cost of lockdown is showing and it’s far for dangerous than the disease itself. So, you liberal tools are desperately trying to believe what you know is false, hoping others will too.
So "most," at a minimum, means more than half. Please list the population/age cohorts for which COVID is less deadly than the flu and compare those with the population/age cohorts for which COVID is more deadly and tell me which tally is larger. Thx, I'll wait.
Because again, just about every person who is under 65 and healthy has just about 0% chance to die from covid. The flu kills people of all ages. As a 38 year old healthy guy, I would rather have covid than the flu. A good number of people who have covid, don't even know they have it. I get you libs are pulling for covid but it's really not all the bad. Live you life, you and O'Biden can leave the basement.
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Don't even worry about it, in fact. No biggie. If you get sick, just grab a helicopter ride to your local clinic where 7 doctors and staff will tend to you day and night, experimental treatments will be administered to you. All standard, for everyone.
The vast majority won't even get sick and most of those who do won't even need medical care
Wife and I both had it three weeks ago. ONLY way she knew was the lose of taste and smell. Otherwise, would not even have called in sick at work. ZERO ill effects.
Are you two mask wearers or not? There's some speculation that mask wearing is helping because even when it's not completely preventing infection it's lowering the viral loads that are causing infection, resulting in asymptomatic or less severe cases.
Are you two mask wearers or not? There's some speculation that mask wearing is helping because even when it's not completely preventing infection it's lowering the viral loads that are causing infection, resulting in asymptomatic or less severe cases.

What the hell do you think from my post history? Do I seem to be a person that lives in fear or buys into the garbage that is the "pan-demic"?
Are you two mask wearers or not? There's some speculation that mask wearing is helping because even when it's not completely preventing infection it's lowering the viral loads that are causing infection, resulting in asymptomatic or less severe cases.
There plenty of asymptomatic people that don’t wear masks frequently..... it may help some but who knows
Are you two mask wearers or not? There's some speculation that mask wearing is helping because even when it's not completely preventing infection it's lowering the viral loads that are causing infection, resulting in asymptomatic or less severe cases.

Only if the mask helps you reduce your viral load. Early on, there have been cases of fairly healthy first responders whose exposure was so high that they were taken down despite wearing a mask. Yet another thing which needs some more study.

Good overview:

One More Reason to Wear a Mask: You’ll Get Less Sick From COVID-19
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Only if the mask helps you reduce your viral load. Early on, there have been cases of fairly healthy first responders whose exposure was so high that they were taken down despite wearing a mask. Yet another thing which needs some more study.

Good overview:

One More Reason to Wear a Mask: You’ll Get Less Sick From COVID-19

The big benefit of masks is they reduce how far you spew spitle and exhalations when you breathe out, sneeze and cough. Additionally, masks catch the largest junk (snot, etc). Certainly a lot still passes through, but it doesn't travel as far, and contains less of the virus than would occur without the mask. When those wearing masks still take in the virus, they'll take in less as well.

It's amazing the antipathy people have towards masks when the burden is quite minimal. But I guess it's all about the Trumpers' feelz and not helping your fellow citizens.
Biden really needs to stay healthy for the rest of the campaign. And definitely go ahead with those negative ads.

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