Trump has the virus

The big benefit of masks is they reduce how far you spew spitle and exhalations when you breathe out, sneeze and cough. Additionally, masks catch the largest junk (snot, etc). Certainly a lot still passes through, but it doesn't travel as far, and contains less of the virus than would occur without the mask. When those wearing masks still take in the virus, they'll take in less as well.

It's amazing the antipathy people have towards masks when the burden is quite minimal. But I guess it's all about the Trumpers' feelz and not helping your fellow citizens.

How many people blow their nose while wearing a mask? Sneeze?
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What the hell do you think from my post history? Do I seem to be a person that lives in fear or buys into the garbage that is the "pan-demic"?
There are French Dips and then there are American dips
Or do not cover when they sneeze or cough?

I have seen people pull their masks down to sneeze. Then wipe their west nasty hand on their britches leg and pull the mask back up. Then go on touching the groceries.
Or do not cover when they sneeze or cough?
When flying Southwest makes people wear a mask, this is the only time I have wore one. But they hand out a small cup of water, cookies and crackers. So by Southwest's theory while you are drinking your tiny water or eating cinnamon cookies covid isn't contagious but any other time it is. These idiots are insane. By the way, I didn't realize I could make 2oz of water last me from Nashville to Dallas.
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The big benefit of masks is they reduce how far you spew spitle and exhalations when you breathe out, sneeze and cough. Additionally, masks catch the largest junk (snot, etc). Certainly a lot still passes through, but it doesn't travel as far, and contains less of the virus than would occur without the mask. When those wearing masks still take in the virus, they'll take in less as well.

It's amazing the antipathy people have towards masks when the burden is quite minimal. But I guess it's all about the Trumpers' feelz and not helping your fellow citizens.
Come on el. This is way over their heads.
There truly are tweets by him for every occasion.
Weird Al needs to cover Turn Turn Turn:

To everything (turn, turn, turn)
There is a tweet (turn, turn, turn)
And a tweet to every purpose, under heaven
A tweet to be born, a tweet to die
A tweet to plant, a tweet to reap
A tweet to kill, a tweet to heal
A tweet to laugh, a tweet to weep
I can tell all I need to know about you from your own narrow-minded postings. Don't try to say you've cornered the market on the truth. The only truths you know are the ones you decide exist because they mesh with your political beliefs. Go put your little tin foil hat back on.
Wow. Judge much? When have I ever said I’ve cornered the market on truth? You’re really bad at this, that much is true. Oops, I guess I just cornered the market. It’s funny you accuse me of only believing things that line up with my political belief when that isn’t remotely true. As is typical of Dems and the MSM with their accusations of Trump, I’m guessing that is your style because it isn’t mine. Your digs were cute though. Have a great day WBO and try not to be so judgmental today!

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