Trump has the virus

LOL...not a fan of Harris...actually can't stand her, but Pence is neither smart enough nor informed enough to wipe the floor with anyone in a debate. Especially someone smarter than him. I am sure though, WHATEVER he says will impress you

As long as he says socialist, globalist, antifa, radical left, and cancel culture before the night's through, the leg-humpers will be satisfied.
LOL...not a fan of Harris...actually can't stand her, but Pence is neither smart enough nor informed enough to wipe the floor with anyone in a debate. Especially someone smarter than him. I am sure though, WHATEVER he says will impress you
It's funny watching you always claim you aren't a far left democrat yet you continue to post far left democrat positions. You socialists better love her because if senile O'Biden is elected she will be your President within 2 years
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It's funny watching you always claim you aren't a far left democrat yet you continue to post far left democrat positions. You socialists better love her because if senile O'Biden is elected she will be your President within 2 years
It's not funny you can't read a post. I just commented that I can't stand Harris. Provide an example of a post of mine supporting a far left democrat position OR STFU.
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I knew you couldn't do it. All talk, no action out of your generation. Post one that supports your claim. I see why your ilk loves Trump so much. Your whole life is based on false claims and big talk....ZERO action, but I'll still have your back, little man
LOL, again I would rather take on the rest of the world than have a washed up lib hack like you have my back. We've been over this, but you seem to be senile like your boy Joe O'Biden so I will continue to help you out. When you get frustrated do you also say thing like: c'mon man or look here's the deal?
Latest example:
LOL...not a fan of Harris...actually can't stand her, but Pence is neither smart enough nor informed enough to wipe the floor with anyone in a debate. Especially someone smarter than him. I am sure though, WHATEVER he says will impress you
LOL, again I would rather take on the rest of the world than have a washed up lib hack like you have my back. We've been over this, but you seem to be senile like your boy Joe O'Biden so I will continue to help you out. When you get frustrated do you also say thing like: c'mon man or look here's the deal?
Latest example:
Still can come up with an example of me supporting a far left position. That one isn't me supporting a far left position. Like I commented, it isn't funny that you can't read. I still have your back, and yes, you will always need people like me. You're nowhere near prepared to take on anyone
Still can come up with an example of me supporting a far left position. That one isn't me supporting a far left position. Like I commented, it isn't funny that you can't read. I still have your back, and yes, you will always need people like me. You're nowhere near prepared to take on anyone
Haha whatever helps you sleep at night you washed up lib
It's not funny you can't read a post. I just commented that I can't stand Harris. Provide an example of a post of mine supporting a far left democrat position OR STFU.

@USAFgolferVol is quite an interesting handle for a filthy socialist. I guess socialists must have different interests these days than I realized. Joseph McCarthy himself couldn't have sniffed that out.
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