Trump has the virus

Huh? You’re industry is being decimated by libs who want to keep things shut down, not for health, but so they can hurt the economy and blame on Trump. The models are starting to show how devastating these aggressive, over reaching policies are.

Quit acting like it was only the liberal governors. That's such an unbelievably stupid take. Cut the partisan crap and try and be objective.
Bullcrap and you know it. That's the weakest argument that you could give.

What could he have told the public that would have saved lives?

It wasn't about telling the public. It was about inaction and gross misinformation on his part.

It's not too late. You can still vomit up the kool aid.
My God....smh, he's POTUS. He shouldn't have lied to the public. Millions of people, with several in this forum, believe what he says is the gospel. The greater good isn't of concern to you? It's a "me" world now, right?
I don't know of too many people on the right side of the aisle that hang on every word that a politician tells them with regards to their day to day life. Now if it is a matter of policy, there may be some truth in that. But as far as if a person should wipe their azz or brush their teeth... that kind of advice isn't followed too much.
He's downplayed the severity from day one, denigrated the experts, and blamed everyone but himself.

Specific examples please?

If I remember correctly it was Trump who over objections and criticisms closed travel from China and Europe. Had Fauci and Pence doing daily briefs putting the information out there. What the hell did you want him to say at the time the Woodward tapes were made?
About? Want to give some specifics?
The virus. Why not try informing yourself. Listen to the Woodward tapes and then go back and watch Trump's press conferences in Feb, March and April. If you do so, then you'll be a much more informed citizen
Specific examples please?

If I remember correctly it was Trump who over objections and criticisms closed travel from China and Europe. Had Fauci and Pence doing daily briefs putting the information out there. What the hell did you want him to say at the time the Woodward tapes were made?
Information he often contradicted.
The virus. Why not try informing yourself. Listen to the Woodward tapes and then go back and watch Trump's press conferences in Feb, March and April. If you do so, then you'll be a much more informed citizen

I have and if Trump downplaying the virus was so catastrophic it should be easy for you to give some examples of him downplaying and how it lead to people dying.

You guys keep saying it's obvious yet you can't give any examples.
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