Trump has the virus

I had to prove that a 70 year old could post a picture. That was the only one in my new phone. I got in chest deep water behind the dam in the creek behind my house the other day, and apparently had a leak in my chest waders. I destroyed my old phone, and had to get a new one.
It was here and spreading much earlier than what is admitted, it was in TN in January. Not to mention with as many asymptomatic infections as there has been I think my money is safe.

Do we have proof it was in TN in Jan or is that your guess? I find it hard to believe, it was spreading statside much earlier than Jan., given what we know about how quickly it spreads and the time period of infection to symptoms. The US would have noticed a lot more cases with similar symptoms prior to Feb. Let's remember that even though testing wasn't ramped up to large capacities till mid April, people with symptoms related to COVID were still getting tested, and the vast majority were coming back negative, even in NYC.
Admittedly it is a fantasy. But to be fair, none of those people save Hilliary have made as many enemies as Trump has. And as for Hilliary, god knows they’ve been trying to jail her for years yet somehow haven’t found anything yet.

They found plenty. A choice was made not to take it further and indict her and largely sweep it under the rug. That’s not a defense for Trump btw. I’m in the camp of anyone should go to prison for high crimes.
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Admittedly it is a fantasy. But to be fair, none of those people save Hilliary have made as many enemies as Trump has. And as for Hilliary, god knows they’ve been trying to jail her for years yet somehow haven’t found anything yet.
A man has to have dreams.

I'm just advising temperance with your fetishes.
Is it just assumed that they were infected by hope hicks? Could he have gotten infected at earlier? Doesn't it take a few days before symptoms show?
I had to prove that a 70 year old could post a picture. That was the only one in my new phone. I got in chest deep water behind the dam in the creek behind my house the other day, and apparently had a leak in my chest waders. I destroyed my old phone, and had to get a new one.
Ya, I was frolicking in the ocean and my last one plopped out into seawater... Done.
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the antibody tests are not very accurate.

That's subjective. The fact remains, at this time, all the evidence we have points to the infection rate being nowhere remotely close to 50%. The virus spreads very slowly in rural areas as compared to highly populated areas like NYC.
That hardly counts... both sides have their social media and message board crazies. Show me a tweet or public statement from someone in Congress who has done anything other than express well-wishes for the Trumps.
I doubt those would exist. There may be one from the Squad at some point.
That hardly counts... both sides have their social media and message board crazies. Show me a tweet or public statement from a Democrat in Congress who has done anything other than express well-wishes for the Trumps.
well.....the Chair of the Democratic Party here in Georgia sent out an inappropriate tweet. She said what we all were thinking. But for a position of leadership, the tweet was in bad taste. I mean we have to always go high for some reason.
well.....the Chair of the Democratic Party here in Georgia sent out an inappropriate tweet. She said what we all were thinking. But for a position of leadership, the tweet was in bad taste. I mean we have to always go high for some reason.
That is poor form in a state that has been trending blue lately. Not good politics... or good anything for that matter.
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