Trump has the virus

It is very obvious that some of you are just nasty human beings. The things you post on here are 100X worse than things Trump tweets or says. You like to blame others for the polarization but in fact you are a major part of the problem.
It is very obvious that some of you are just nasty human beings. The things you post on here are 100X worse than things Trump tweets or says. You like to blame others for the polarization but in fact you are a major part of the problem.

"Sorry Mom"
It is very obvious that some of you are just nasty human beings. The things you post on here are 100X worse than things Trump tweets or says. You like to blame others for the polarization but in fact you are a major part of the problem.

f*** Coronaboy - anyone who endorses separating mother from child without a plan for re-uniting them can go straight to hell... World would be a better place without him in it...
You don't actually read peoples post do you? I followed up and said the severity of the virus is a "hoax".
You did post something after that... but I was responding to the post which I read first. Even if you believe that the severity of the threat has been exaggerated, how is that the fault of the Democrats? They don't control the CDC or the World Health Organization. Without meaning to, you are giving Democrats too much credit. Their influence doesn't extend that far. Because of your own blind partisanship, you are assigning a malicious bias to agencies which are not political in nature.
That's subjective. The fact remains, at this time, all the evidence we have points to the infection rate being nowhere remotely close to 50%. The virus spreads very slowly in rural areas as compared to highly populated areas like NYC.

This virus has been in the US since at least last fall so there have been far more people infected than tests show.
Also, if the virus is a “liberal hoax” according to many MAGAs, why are they flooding Twitter with thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery?
The "hoax" part of this is the overreaction to a virus with survival rate of 99%. The "hoax" is that there was (and is) no need to shutdown the world for this virus, unless you want to make a political story and cook up fear, panic and mayhem before an election.
Of course the virus is real, but the panic over it is a hoax. People get sick, people die. It happens. 100% of us will die
Justin, out of the 22K messages that you have posted, this is the only one that I have ever liked. You got a smidgen of sense.

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