Trump has the virus

You did post something after that... but I was responding to the post which I read first. Even if you believe that the severity of the threat has been exaggerated, how is that the fault of the Democrats? They don't control the CDC or the World Health Organization. Without meaning to, you are giving Democrats too much credit. Their influence doesn't extend that far. Because of your own blind partisanship, you are assigning a malicious bias to agencies which are not political in nature.

Feel better?
The Dems and MSM have blown this shat up to the level of panic for a virus that has a 98% recovery rate.
Knew it was only a matter of time before one of two people posted about this and ran with the crazy...Thanks for not letting me down.
There are plenty of left wing nuts doing the same and plenty more who actually would post something like that. They are the fringe but let's not pretend they don't exist.
There is a lunatic fringe on both extremes. Trump has increased those numbers substantially, validated their lunacy, and welcomed them into the light of day.
There is a lunatic fringe on both extremes. Trump has increased those numbers substantially, validated their lunacy, and welcomed them into the light of day.

I agree with all except Trump being the catalyst. It's debatable that the left isn't more responsible as there is evidence they weaponized or at least attempted to weaponize the government against Trump in the lead up to and aftermath of the election.
It's an unprecedented situation in American history. We have a sitting President running for reelection, which is just 32 days away, and he has tested positive for a virus which has killed more than 200,000 people in the United States. There is so much to unpack here.

And not to dismiss the health concern, but what are the Dow Futures looking like? This is going to be a brutal day on Wall Street.

But the truth came out a few weeks ago and the actual death toll at that time due solely to covid turned out to be about 10,000. It's a flu virus. Pretty serious if you're as old as Trump or in poor health overall but not much of a threat for most people.

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