Trump has the virus

I guess the question is, what do you do when you recognize a clear and present danger to our democracy? (which Trump was/is)
Please list, without mentioning Trump, the exact policies of Biden that will help the average American family. Also, please list, without mentioning Trump, all of Biden's accomplishments in his almost 50 years in government. I would like to know what I should look forward to, should Biden win.
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If he was/is then there is evidence. No need to manufacture it. Unfortunately for them the fears weren't grounded in reality. The real issue here is one unprincipled, unscrupulous power hungry egomaniac got upset because another was obviously more palatable than they were and the writng was on the wall.
Time has proven and will continue to prove that Trump was a very costly mistake that should have been avoided.
Trump was never more palatable, he lost the majority.
Please list, without mentioning Trump, the exact policies of Biden that will help the average American family. Also, please list, without mentioning Trump, all of Biden's accomplishments in his almost 50 years in government. I would like to know what I should look forward to, should Biden win.

I will take a stab...expanding on The ACA for poor people thru Medicaid.
What I said earlier about being so partisan that you can't even accept well wishes at face value... yeah, here it is again.
they have zero self's as if a part of their emotional make up is missing. They are angry for no reason....I mean I know why allvol is angry, but it shouldn't bleed into every other aspect of their life.
they have zero self's as if a part of their emotional make up is missing. They are angry for no reason....I mean I know why allvol is angry, but it shouldn't bleed into every other aspect of their life.

You dont pick up emotions very well seeing as I'm not angry.
Please list, without mentioning Trump, the exact policies of Biden that will help the average American family. Also, please list, without mentioning Trump, all of Biden's accomplishments in his almost 50 years in government. I would like to know what I should look forward to, should Biden win.
He puts the civil into civilization.
Everything else is a very distant second.
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He was giving advice to help people from contracting the virus and you called him a clown. Why can't you just take his words at face value?

He was preaching. We are 8 months in, is there someone not aware of the recommendations he listed?

Additionally you can do all 3 and easily get this. So it is assinine to act like you do x y and a and you're clear.

Again, what well wishes did I reject?
How much tin foil do you have left after coming up with that.

I mean clearly the WH medical staff will sell out their professional integrity to propagate a lie like that.

Don’t ever mock Qanon again or you’re a hypocrite 👍

Yeah, the QAnon ones are pretty ridiculous compared to what I said, but ok. Don’t you have some conspiracy tweets about child trafficking to look into or something?

If he does have it, couldn’t have happened to a nice guy.

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