He was more palatable to the electorate that decides the president for this republic. He was actually one of the best things economically this country had ever seen until the pandemic which was inevitable our service based economy would falter. Can't fault him for that. There is plenty you can but I don't care about much else beside the economy and foreign policy when it comes to the president. Obama was pretty good with the economy, foreign policy wasn't great though.Time has proven and will continue to prove that Trump was a very costly mistake that should have been avoided.
Trump was never more palatable, he lost the majority.
I'm curious as to how someone like Tom Arnold would have Hope Hicks cell phone number. I doubt they run in the same crowd.Dude is a complete Richard. Someone should take him behind their wood shed.
Recommendations would have been a more appropriate term to use than "well wishes". My point was that you weren't taking his words at face value.He was preaching. We are 8 months in, is there someone not aware of the recommendations he listed?
Additionally you can do all 3 and easily get this. So it is assinine to act like you do x y and a and you're clear.
Again, what well wishes did I reject?
Where did I say you did? I didn’t tout what I said as fact. I said I would put it past him.
Yeah, the QAnon ones are pretty ridiculous compared to what I said, but ok. Don’t you have some conspiracy tweets about child trafficking to look into or something?
If he does have it, couldn’t have happened to a nice guy.
I'm curious as to how someone like Tom Arnold would have Hope Hicks cell phone number. I doubt they run in the same crowd.
They can say what they want about Trump, but he has sure exposed the media and Hollywood for who they really are.I’m curious too. Hope (pun intended) she files a lawsuit with lots of zeros on the end of it to make ole Tom squirm and cough up some cash just to settle. Or Just to harass the s*** out of him. Turn about is fair play and all...
You said it right here cletus
But talking out your ass and not knowing what you’re talking about seems to be consistent for you.
Also: “wouldn’t”
Uh....poor people . I thought that was who you referenced.
And I stopped linking it, per your request. As often happens here, when Trump mocks the disabled or the ill, there is no response from the Trumpers. But as soon as a Republican gets sick, if there's not an immediate outpouring of support from the Dems, there are all these lamentations from the Trumpers that Dems have lost all decency and Republicans never wish ill of anybody. It's a lot of huey. The Trump mocking Clinton video is a reminder of that. Heck, McConnell couldn't even wait until Ginsberg's body was cold to say he would rush a nominee through.
I go to a minute clinic, and I could afford to go to any doctor I want. I also have Medicare and a supplemental policy. I prefer to pay cash, and not sit in an office all day. Doctors and medicine are overrated anyway. They kill as many as they actually help.Well, typically, and I can identify...if it’s something minor they’ll go to a minute clinic, they get a prescription, let’s just say for a Z PAC. They either have the money or they don’t. Me, I just tried to weather it until...you end up at the emergency room...gosh forbid you end up in an ambulance and you don’t have insurance.
This of course drives up the costs for all. Now, to be sure I haven’t sat down and read the Biden proposal, that’s on me. Anything we can do to help people and drive down costs, all for it. It shouldn’t cost an arm and a leg to get insulin. It’s stupid. I don’t have the answer but status quo, doesn’t make much sense to me.