Trump has the virus

Oh wow you got me on a grammatical error. Just mad because I disproved your point about QAnon?

Reading comprehension isn’t your strong suit. Where did I say you posted it? I said you had some to look up since you got so defensive about QAnon.
LMFAO! Sure thing cletus. You clearly lumped me in with those theories and when I dared you to prove I participated you start splitting hairs on “well no I didn’t say you posted them I said you should go read them”!

Thanks for confirming my talking out your ass assessment of you 😂
LMFAO! Sure thing cletus. You clearly lumped me in with those theories and when I dared you to prove I participated you start splitting hairs on “well no I didn’t say you posted them I said you should go read them”!

Thanks for confirming my talking out your ass assessment of you 😂

Uh huh ok.
CNN is blaming Trump for the WH outbreak. Some journalists now have the Corona apparently.
I pay cash, even though I have had Medicare and a supplemental policy for 5 years. I have never used either.

That’s great, a lot of folks can’t do that. I am lucky now, but for a very long time, it was a choice I could not afford.
That interview was March 8th. Almost 7 months ago when we didn't know much about the virus. Its also worth noting in that same interview he did say masks are important to stop an infected person from spreading the virus. Of course that has been cut out of your little video.
"didn't know much about the virus" is the dumbest defense ever. The type of virus has nothing to do with a mask trapping a particulate. All germs are smaller than the holes in your mask. It really should be common sense for people. It is a freaking coronavirus they have been around forever! This one may be novel but that has nothing to do with the efficiency of masks. Sheep, sheep bahhhhhhhh!
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Please list, without mentioning Trump, the exact policies of Biden that will help the average American family. Also, please list, without mentioning Trump, all of Biden's accomplishments in his almost 50 years in government. I would like to know what I should look forward to, should Biden win.
Bump for anyone else who would like to respond.
"didn't know much about the virus" is the dumbest defense ever. The type of virus has nothing to do with a mask trapping a particulate. All germs are smaller than the holes in your mask. It really should be common sense for people. It is a freaking coronavirus they have been around forever! This one may be novel but that has nothing to do with the efficiency of masks. Sheep, sheep bahhhhhhhh!

Thank You for stating the obvious again on this board. It is truly amazing that people do not get this.
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