Trump has the virus

It would probably be similar to the right's feelings about RBG's health and ultimate death.
No it wouldn’t. Stop making baseless generalizations (who am I kidding I know you can’t) several of us myself included clearly stated we respected her and mourned her death while not agreeing with her politics. But that is no basis to not do their jobs and fill the seat.
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"didn't know much about the virus" is the dumbest defense ever. The type of virus has nothing to do with a mask trapping a particulate. All germs are smaller than the holes in your mask. It really should be common sense for people. It is a freaking coronavirus they have been around forever! This one may be novel but that has nothing to do with the efficiency of masks. Sheep, sheep bahhhhhhhh!
Surely you know every virus is different.
That is the exact opposite of what Trump was saying in front of the American people in February and March. We can easily prove that too. The timeline works against Trump. He was intentionally misleading the American people.
This subject doesn’t really matter to me but his medical advisor was saying the same thing in February.....the way I view what he said..... there are two kinds of people .... ones that are positive and everything is going to be all right and the world is going to end we are going to die kind of person..... he was the everything’s going to be all right person and he stated as much in the interview that has been shown here multiple times

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