Trump has the virus

He spouts all these grandiose claims about the millions of jobs that will be created by the GND, retrofitting a million buildings with new triple sash windows, building electric vehicles to replace all the government fleets, building 500,000 charging stations, etc. But it all sounds like rainbows and unicorns to me. Meanwhile their plans would gut the energy industry, driving the price of gas and diesel outta sight and electricity too. And taxes going up on everybody (because the consumer always pays in the end) in spite of their only targeting those making $400k on income tax hikes.

If he wins and the Dems take the Senate they will Drive is off the depression cliff.
Lawyers should be barred from holding elected office. All criminal prosecutions should be financed by the state on both sides, whatever the prosecution budgets to spend should be allocated to the defendant for an adequate defense. All federal judgeships should have terms.

Those are some.
Have you ever read the anything about the Lost State of Franklin? The capital was here in my hometown. The Constitution forbade lawyers and preachers from serving in the legislature. A lot of common sense in these parts.
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Be a lawyer.
Create laws that the average person needs legal counsel in order to navigate.
Enrich your lawyer friends with these new clients.
Your friends now have the money and spare time to run for political office.
You and your newly elected friends make more laws for your other lawyer friends(and enemies who cares) to benefit from so they'll have time to run for office.
Have an 18% approval rating.
I know a lot on here fap to how Europe does things, their governing bodies run 10-15% law backgrounds. At points in our history it's been 75%+.
I give you a like only because I fear you’re right.

It’s like they want to punish the country for creating so much wealth and for having more freedom than they approve of.

Yep. I for the life of me can’t figure out why they hate individual success other than the fact that when people don’t need government assistance they don’t want government interference.
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Yep. I for the life of me can’t figure out why they hate individual success other than the fact that when people don’t need government assistance they don’t want government interference.
Obama saying “You didn’t build that!” tells you all you need to know about how they view the small business owner.
Yep. I for the life of me can’t figure out why they hate individual success other than the fact that when people don’t need government assistance they don’t want government interference.
I’m all for people being successful and living their life. It becomes troublesome if your company turns into a billion dollar enterprise that forgets its roots and slowly destroys the middle and lower class of this country. The boogeyman in this country isn’t Trump or really any President. It’s corporate oligarchy.
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Be a lawyer.
Create laws that the average person needs legal counsel in order to navigate.
Enrich your lawyer friends with these new clients.
Your friends now have the money and spare time to run for political office.
You and your newly elected friends make more laws for your other lawyer friends(and enemies who cares) to benefit from so they'll have time to run for office.
Have an 18% approval rating.
My state legislature is fairly conservative leaning lawmakers who write the laws I work under. Lots of farmers, bankers, and general businessmen turned to politics. Lawyers are politicians too but its pretty evenly split between lawyers and nonlawyers.

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