Trump has the virus

Loyalty is a 2 way street and while I agree with you to a point, deregulation started under Carter.

I abhor the “you’re only as good as your last quarter” mentality that permeates companies these days. But again that started under Clinton. There is a reason Wall Street pumps more money into Dem candidates than Republicans.
They are certainly pumping money into Biden this go around.
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I guarantee you there are a ton of people out there that experienced it just as he described....but oh no... he should have said if you’re 78 years old with 2.6 additional comorbidities, then you’re gonna die. ......

If it was just the one statement you’d have a better point. It wasn’t. And you don’t.
Trump was attacked and ridiculed during the 2016 Campaign and now it’s coming out that the Hillary campaign with Obama’s/Biden’s knowledge orchestrated a campaign to manufacture a Russian collusion narrative within the Trump campaign. Many Democratic Senators and Congressman announced they were going to try to impeach Trump before he even took the oath of office because they despised him for beating their chosen Hillary Clinton. Trump has been slammed for four years and had been counter punching for the same amount of time. Trump is relentless and never backs down from a war of words. Exactly the kind of person we need in the White House. More importantly he was an outsider and not a long term bureaucrat like Biden and others who are as crooked and unethical as they come. Stop watching MSNBC and CNN. You are the puppet and they are the puppeteers pulling your strings and molding your brain to think like they do. Look at all opinions and information objectively. Don’t let one news outlet brainwash you and tell you how you are supposed to think. I look at Fox, CNN and MSNBC and come to my own conclusions whose reporting has more merit than the others.

I found this. I think it's yours.

If it was just the one statement you’d have a better point. It wasn’t. And you don’t.
Go chase an ambulance and then jump in front of one ..... with all the “lawyers” running around here..... it appears there’s an over abundance of them nowadays and the standards have most certainly dropped.
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