Trump has the virus

You got proof he forfeited? He'll what about the golf trips, that far exceeds the salary that he "forfeited".

The golf trips to HIS properties that he's charging the government for.

Giving up his salary is a terrifically bad argument for the tens of millions in tax payer dollars he and his crotch spawn are costing Americans.
The golf trips to HIS properties that he's charging the government for.

Giving up his salary is a terrifically bad argument for the tens of millions in tax payer dollars he and his crotch spawn are costing Americans.

Give us proof, besides a news article, that tells us the government pays for his trips. I wanna see receipts. Unless you see receipts, you are a fool to believe anything else.
I just don't get it. Its like not wearing a mask in OBVIOUS circumstances where you should has become some kind of point to brag about. "I'm a bigger idiot than you are!"
What’s worse to me..... every time someone becomes infected that doesn’t wear a mask the media makes this huge deal about it..... the thousands wearing masks and still becoming infected.... *crickets*
Who do you think I am,
It was much easier for you to link it. Alright that's proof enough. Now, please fetch me proof of how much Pelosi, Schtick, and the rest of the goon squad wasted of the taxpayers money on the Russian investigation hoax.

Now That’s What I Call Moving Goal Posts Vol. 4
What a useless hypothetical "thought experiment"

What is actually happening is liberals all around the country are actively rooting for the death of the potus. But I guess things like that don't make your feed huh?
The death of RBG and Trump's illness have revealed a lot about certain folks.

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