Trump has the virus

Remember the salary he's foregone....... Big swing, bigger miss there slugger.
You are not accounting for the business, with all of the emoluments clause violations included, that Donald Trump has steered to his properties through the abuse of his office. It is certainly more than his $400,000 annual salary. Trump offered up foregoing his salary at the beginning of his term, as a cover for the abuses he wanted to partake in later. He gave up a little money up front, so he could pocket more later and also have the "but he gave up his salary" as a front. It's not a bad strategy because Trump's advocates, such as yourself, are so eager to rush to his defense without looking underneath the surface.
Agreed. However, its fair to point out that between the two candidates, Trump was doing the most interrupting, and in turn, breaking the rules of the debate which his campaign had agreed to.

It was a $hit show, but that is because Biden wouldn't stop speaking while Trump was interrupting him, and Wallace wouldn't let Trump get away with speaking over his allotted time or let Trump get away with disrupting Biden's allotted time.

Trump was trying to project strength with a forceful personality. He came across as a rude and spoiled child.
It was very discouraging. Biden has so many easy ways to be attacked on most relevant issues. It’s sad that our last two elections have given us such bad options
You are not accounting for the business, with all of the emoluments clause violations included, that Donald Trump has steered to his properties through the abuse of his office. It is certainly more than his $400,000 annual salary. Trump offered up foregoing his salary at the beginning of his term, as a cover for the abuses he wanted to partake in later. It's not a bad strategy because Trump's advocates, such as yourself, are so eager to rush to his defense without looking underneath the surface.

I'm not a Trump supporter first of all. I do not worship at the alter of celebrity/personality.

Isn't that exactly what ALL politicians do? Rhetorical question because the answer is yes and the very reason why I don't like or support any politician. The fact you ignore the others and apply it to Trump alone signals you are the hypocrite and fool, not me. All politicians are self serving ticks on the arsecrack of America.
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You are not accounting for the business, with all of the emoluments clause violations included, that Donald Trump has steered to his properties through the abuse of his office. It is certainly more than his $400,000 annual salary. Trump offered up foregoing his salary at the beginning of his term, as a cover for the abuses he wanted to partake in later. He gave up a little money up front, so he could pocket more later and also have the "but he gave up his salary" as a front. It's not a bad strategy because Trump's advocates, such as yourself, are so eager to rush to his defense without looking underneath the surface.
Ok give us the rundown. Include the evidence and the legal statutes he violated.
Nothing to see here. Trump appeared fine on video. They are taking extra precautions because he is the president. Duh!
I think there's more to it. The videos were staged to ease concern. There's a production here for a reason, there's serious concern for his health. Let's not understate it.
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You are not accounting for the business, with all of the emoluments clause violations included, that Donald Trump has steered to his properties through the abuse of his office. It is certainly more than his $400,000 annual salary. Trump offered up foregoing his salary at the beginning of his term, as a cover for the abuses he wanted to partake in later. He gave up a little money up front, so he could pocket more later and also have the "but he gave up his salary" as a front. It's not a bad strategy because Trump's advocates, such as yourself, are so eager to rush to his defense without looking underneath the surface.
No salary, no income tax on that??
Trump was attacked and ridiculed during the 2016 Campaign and now it’s coming out that the Hillary campaign with Obama’s/Biden’s knowledge orchestrated a campaign to manufacture a Russian collusion narrative within the Trump campaign. Many Democratic Senators and Congressman announced they were going to try to impeach Trump before he even took the oath of office because they despised him for beating their chosen Hillary Clinton. Trump has been slammed for four years and had been counter punching for the same amount of time. Trump is relentless and never backs down from a war of words. Exactly the kind of person we need in the White House. More importantly he was an outsider and not a long term bureaucrat like Biden and others who are as crooked and unethical as they come. Stop watching MSNBC and CNN. You are the puppet and they are the puppeteers pulling your strings and molding your brain to think like they do. Look at all opinions and information objectively. Don’t let one news outlet brainwash you and tell you how you are supposed to think. I look at Fox, CNN and MSNBC and come to my own conclusions whose reporting has more merit than the others.
Hes a victim? GTFOH
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