Trump has the virus

That is actually being kind. In truth he/she actually drags the quality and enjoyment of the forum down a few notches with the nonsense and unbridled stupidity he/she continually posts.
Think if we all put her on ignore she'd go away? I mean I'd give her a pass if she was a good looking woman, but let's be honest. I've saw very few good looking lawyers except on TV.
The death of RBG and Trump's illness have revealed a lot about certain folks.
Yeah we are pretty hard on each other here and that’s deserved if you dish it out you better be able to take it. And sure I expect Trump to take heat here from his detractors he’s given them plenty of ammo to work with for sure.

But genuinely finding pleasure in someone’s death or serious illness is just trash. No other description required just lousy human beings. If in reply I get called a pearl clutcher or snowflake for pointing it out ok thats fine with me, if somebody labeled me trash I’d probably not like it either and lob a name back.

Some cases you thought were just anonymous forum antics actually are trash people. Eh “it is what it is” 😂
The Curse of the Notorious RBG is real. She told you guys with her dying breath not to nominate someone until the next presidency.
I'm starting to think we should call this the curse of the Notorious RBG. I mean the woman told you to wait until after the election, the GOP couldn't wait to move forward, and now half the Trump team and GOP senators have the Rona.

Trump campaign manager tests positive for Covid-19
I think a democratic agent is behind this..... Biden couldn’t back out of the debates because he’d look weak.... so they sent some infected urchin into Trump’s personal space... to infect him and get Biden out that way. 🤔
This guy hasnt visited VN.

Trump would say, “I like Presidential candidates who don’t get China Flu!” Do a little comedy on how a mask so big didn’t save Joe, and if he was sleepy before . . .

It would be just as tasteless, but far funnier than most of the tasteless takes from the left.
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I think a democratic agent is behind this..... Biden couldn’t back out of the debates because he’d look weak.... so they sent some infected urchin into Trump’s personal space... to infect him and get Biden out that way. 🤔
You go girl! Never met a conspiracy theory you didn't like
I think a democratic agent is behind this..... Biden couldn’t back out of the debates because he’d look weak.... so they sent some infected urchin into Trump’s personal space... to infect him and get Biden out that way. 🤔
That's what China did. Watch the movie 12 Monkeys... why do we have a population of 300 million, the best health care in the world, and 1 quarter of the cases?

Random my ass
That's what China did. Watch the movie 12 Monkeys... why do we have a population of 300 million, the best health care in the world, and 1 quarter of the cases?

Random my ass
I think other countries aren’t testing like the US ..... and they’re not reporting COVID deaths like the US.... hit by a truck, but COVID positive.... COVID death
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I think a democratic agent is behind this..... Biden couldn’t back out of the debates because he’d look weak.... so they sent some infected urchin into Trump’s personal space... to infect him and get Biden out that way. 🤔

U cereal?
Trump is a whiney baby and so is the Republican Party. Biden‘s campaign is pulling all negative ads but trump’s campaign refuses bc he hurt trumps feelings with “attack” ads. This after Trump does nothing but attack Biden and his family. That really says it all.

Lol a curse isn’t going to stop ACB from being confirmed.
Yep. If they have to they’ll set up special dispensation on video attendance and remote voting due to the pandemic. In fact Cocaine Mitch could be really magnanimous and declare the whole floor debate/floor vote null and use Zoom for Gov. No gallery attendance either. After all think of the welfare of the Senators and staffers 😂
Trump would say, “I like Presidential candidates who don’t get China Flu!” Do a little comedy on how a mask so big didn’t save Joe, and if he was sleepy before . . .

It would be just as tasteless, but far funnier than most of the tasteless takes from the left.

Ok. "I hope he dies" seems more tasteless.
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