Trump has the virus

Trump is a whiney baby and so is the Republican Party. Biden‘s campaign is pulling all negative ads but trump’s campaign refuses bc he hurt trumps feelings with “attack” ads. This after Trump does nothing but attack Biden and his family. That really says it all.

Lol. The Biden campaign first reached out to try and negotiate a truce because they knew the bad optics of attacking Trump while he’s sick. It pretty much nullifies their whole COVID topic attack plan. The Trump campaign told them to piss off. So now the Biden campaign has to cease the attack anyway and they’re trying to sell it as taking the high road. No they got nothing for their attempt and are trying to turn a lemon into lemonade 😂
Lol. The Biden campaign first reached out to try and negotiate a truce because they knew the bad optics of attacking Trump while he’s sick. It pretty much nullifies their whole COVID topic attack plan. The Trump campaign told them to piss off. So now the Biden campaign has to cease the attack anyway and they’re trying to sell it as taking the high road. No they got nothing for their attempt and are trying to turn a lemon into lemonade 😂

With this kind of genius thinking operating in the Trump campaign I can see why they're looking at a landslide defeat.
Trump is a whiney baby and so is the Republican Party. Biden‘s campaign is pulling all negative ads but trump’s campaign refuses bc he hurt trumps feelings with “attack” ads. This after Trump does nothing but attack Biden and his family. That really says it all.

Funny..... the liberal democrats have been crying and whining every day for the last four years.... just like you’re doing
Lol. The Biden campaign first reached out to try and negotiate a truce because they knew the bad optics of attacking Trump while he’s sick. It pretty much nullifies their whole COVID topic attack plan. The Trump campaign told them to piss off. So now the Biden campaign has to cease the attack anyway and they’re trying to sell it as taking the high road. No they got nothing for their attempt and are trying to turn a lemon into lemonade 😂

Right because this is the first thing Trump has whined about.
Lol. The Biden campaign first reached out to try and negotiate a truce because they knew the bad optics of attacking Trump while he’s sick. It pretty much nullifies their whole COVID topic attack plan. The Trump campaign told them to piss off. So now the Biden campaign has to cease the attack anyway and they’re trying to sell it as taking the high road. No they got nothing for their attempt and are trying to turn a lemon into lemonade 😂
Your analysis pretty much knocked that one out of the park.
Trump is a whiney baby and so is the Republican Party. Biden‘s campaign is pulling all negative ads but trump’s campaign refuses bc he hurt trumps feelings with “attack” ads. This after Trump does nothing but attack Biden and his family. That really says it all.

4 years of straight crying from the left about everything from Trumps salt shakers are bigger than everyone else’s , to Trumps just mean and unprofessional to people while they are trying to oust him from office , burning through all the left political credit with unnamed sources and you have nothing to say, but now the Rs are crybabies ? LOL
With this kind of genius thinking operating in the Trump campaign I can see why they're looking at a landslide defeat.
Lol the illness absolutely puts them behind the 8 ball now but it totally wrecks a big chunk of the Biden ad campaign. The good news is that the Lincoln Project has already gone ugly early and will probably double down for the Biden campaign now. And after this election all of those project “Republicans” better get used to turning $20 hand jobs on liberal media or formally join the Democrat party.

I think it’s been said from the beginning that it works in certain situations, but not all. I think it’s also been said that is only effective in certain stages of the infection in combination with other meds.
Using Trump science to cure Covid. I'm sure he will be fine
With this kind of genius thinking operating in the Trump campaign I can see why they're looking at a landslide defeat.
Oh btw I really hope you’ve set up your appointment with the shelter to adopt four rescue cats as your victory prizes of the week instead of paying for some “pure bred” cat 😂.

But being a NY girl I can see it going either way. 🤷‍♂️
The hydroxychloroquine criticism is very valid. He should be taking it after all the bs he lied about regarding the drug
Do other countries.... like those that have socialized healthcare .. provide hospitals with incentives for treating COVID patients? The US does.... think about it..... and then get to the barber shop
Maybe Brazil does too, because their death totals are through the rough. :rolleyes:

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