Trump has the virus

They’re reporting every death as COVID.... if they were positive..... they died COVID not from COVID

Gotta love the conservative mind set. They’re never wrong or held accountable because everyone else is lying and out to get them. Great way to improve our country. Fantastic methodology.
It's relative. Soon is before later. I included the word soon for a reason.
I'm still discussing Volstrom's post that seemed to be saying it was okay for people to wish for RBG's death but not for Trump's.
Trump will probably live at least 15 more years.
Suddenly manners matter? Your feigned outrage is legendary--did you get the vapors when you mashed out "I'll never vote for another one!"?
Lol. Go find one post of mine wishing ill health on anyone. Own your scum it suits you.
Lol. Go find one post of mine wishing ill health on anyone. Own your scum it suits you.
I’ll call out anyone for **** behavior.
In my opinion that’s the major problem in the country right now. We’ve lost the ability to have a conversation with someone who has a different opinion
I’ll call out anyone for **** behavior.
In my opinion that’s the major problem in the country right now. We’ve lost the ability to have a conversation with someone who has a different opinion
As would I. As much as I detest Obama and Biden I would never wish them to get a disease. When RGB passed, I was one of the first to pay respects in her thread. These democrats trying to justify their happiness over Trump's illness shows just what kind of people they really are.
As would I. As much as I detest Obama and Biden I would never wish them to get a disease. When RGB passed, I was one of the first to pay respects in her thread. These democrats trying to justify their happiness over Trump's illness shows just what kind of people they really are.
There’s no justification for it.
Yes it’s Fox but just click the link

Trump’s medical team says he is doing ‘very well’; official warns next 48 hours are ‘critical’

“Twenty-four hours ago, there was real concern about the President’s vitals," the official said. "For the past 12 hours, there has been zero concern.”

The official added: “Early indications are for an extremely good prognosis - but the next 48 hours will be critical.”
Hmmmm. CNN seems to have left a couple things out Of their story that the Fox quote has in it. Imagine that....
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My goodness. If he dies you'll party in the streets. Please try and not burn anything down.
He’s merely pointing out your bs outrage. I have watched Trump supporters on here celebrate RGB being sick, Hillary being sick, and Joe having issues. It’s laughable that you guys don’t see it. Show me your posts calling those other posters out.
He’s merely pointing out your bs outrage. I have watched Trump supporters on here celebrate RGB being sick, Hillary being sick, and Joe having issues. It’s laughable that you guys don’t see it.
You're as bad as they are. Go ahead and justify it. You hate him so it's ok.
Hey man. This is your democratic party. Embrace it, waller in it, love it. Eat it up.
Your faux outrage is duly noted. The fact you have the audacity to cry about how unfairly Trump is being treated after participating on this forum for as long as you have is what’s sickening. The constant insults hurled at just about anybody with a D next to their name and now is when you’re gonna take a stand. **** off with your moral high ground.
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I didn’t say you. But since you want to bring yourself up, can you show me one post where you called out other posters for celebrating the illness in others? Or are you just being a giant hypocrite?
I've not seen one or I would have. Unlike you I don't defend that behavior.
Your faux outrage is duly noted. The fact you have the audacity to cry about how unfairly Trump is being treated after participating on this forum for as long as you have is what’s sickening. The constant insults hurled at just about anybody with a D next to their name and now is when you’re gonna take a stand. **** off with your moral high ground.
Hey dude. Whatever it takes for you to justify you and your party's happiness that he got sick. Whatever it takes to make you feel better about it.
Gotta love the conservative mind set. They’re never wrong or held accountable because everyone else is lying and out to get them. Great way to improve our country. Fantastic methodology.
Keep cowering in fear if you want..... not me.... I’m out and about.... I had COVID and it was a joke
I've not seen one or I would have. Unlike you I don't defend that behavior.
Lol you haven’t seen one my ass. There in every thread about RGB, Biden, and all last POTUS election. You are FOS. And I wasn’t defending. their behavior. I find it distasteful. Just calling out your faux outrage and hypocrisy

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