Trump has the virus

Are there any updates in the media about how DJT is doing with the infection?
I posted a link to a fox article which stated that they were concerned with the trajectory 24 hours ago which prompted the move to Walter Reed however they have been very pleased with how he has responded to therapies and have no major concerns in the last 12 hours.
Lol you haven’t seen one my ass. There in every thread about RGB, Biden, and all last POTUS election. You are FOS. And I wasn’t defending. their behavior. I find it distasteful. Just calling out your faux outrage and hypocrisy
I don’t recall seeing any celebratory comments on RGB’s death. There have been comments on Biden’s mental health, but no one hoping he dies or loses his mind.
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I don’t recall seeing any celebratory comments on RGB’s death. There have been comments on Biden’s mental health, but no one hoping he dies or loses his mind.
Not in her thread about her death. But there were plenty in the many threads when she was ill.
Not in her thread about her death. But there were plenty in the many threads when she was ill.
I like to give people the business and rag on politicians and etc., but I find no humor or joy from other’s sicknesses or injuries..... except that time Harry Reid’s old lady blacked his eyes and he tried to blame it an exercising accident....I thought that was humorous
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I think Biden has dementia, and the only thing about it that is funny is that some of you don't see it, or won't admit it. We all will admit that Trump has the virus..

If you believe biden has dementia, are you okay with people making fun of the fact that he has dementia?
I think Biden has dementia, and the only thing about it that is funny is that some of you don't see it, or won't admit it. We all will admit that Trump has the virus..
I assume you have known people with dementia. I have. Not a one of them could be on a high pressure debate stage with a POTUS for 90 minutes and hold their own.
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Has he been diagnosed? I definitely see a distinction. Like I said, I'll call anyone out that hopes he gets I'll or hope he dies. Like I said earlier, two wrongs don't make a right. Don't call them out, jump in with them.

According to some, biden has dementia and they don't need further diagnosis. To them it is just as given that Biden has dementia that trump has covid. You ok with them making light of a person they think is senile? I already denounced celebrating Trump's covid.
According to some, biden has dementia and they don't need further diagnosis. To them it is just as given that Biden has dementia that trump has covid. You ok with them making light of a person they think is senile? I already denounced celebrating Trump's covid.
Sounds like you're justifying bad behavior with more bad behavior. I see you're cool with that. And that's fine.
If you believe biden has dementia, are you okay with people making fun of the fact that he has dementia?

With Biden it’s hard to know.
Biden has always been a gaff machine. So I thought the memes were funny. I believe that he’s in early stages of dementia now so the humor has faded. That’s not in the same universe as “I hope he dies” or “I’m glad he’s sick” or even “he deserves this”.


As soon as Trump is recovered, bring on the memes
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I'm not justifying anything. I'll call anyone out for hoping someone gets sick or dies. You're not willing to do that. Says volumes.

I already said hoping trump dies or celebrating the fact he has covid is BS. Are you willing to say that making fun of biden's alleged dementia when you legitimately believe he has dementia is acceptable?

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