Trump has the virus

My goodness. If he dies you'll party in the streets. Please try and not burn anything down.
Meh, seeing him wag towards marine 1 with his tail between his legs yesterday was awesome. Can't wait to see how he acts when his @ss gets handed to him on 11/3.
Lol you haven’t seen one my ass. There in every thread about RGB, Biden, and all last POTUS election. You are FOS. And I wasn’t defending. their behavior. I find it distasteful. Just calling out your faux outrage and hypocrisy
No you're FOS. I've not seen one post happy that RGB died or hoping anyone gets sick or dies. I've seen some claim Biden wasn't in his right mind or that they didn't think RGB would hold on much longer. I don't hang out over here all the time like you. But you go ahead and defend them if you want. It makes you as bad as them.
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As would I. As much as I detest Obama and Biden I would never wish them to get a disease. When RGB passed, I was one of the first to pay respects in her thread. These democrats trying to justify their happiness over Trump's illness shows just what kind of people they really are.

Really? You're making this partisan? You can't find some of the nasty posts about RBG because they were deleted. Granted some some of those posts were condemned by a few of our right wingers. Maybe even you, don't know. One of the guys that just liked your post delights in saying Biden has dementia and even has nicknames he thinks are clever based on Biden's "dementia."
Really? You're making this partisan? You can't find some of the nasty posts about RBG because they were deleted. Granted some some of those posts were condemned by a few of our right wingers. Maybe even you, don't know. One of the guys that just liked your post delights in saying Biden has dementia and even has nicknames he thinks are clever based on Biden's "dementia."
It is partisan. My post was of those gleeful about Trump's condition. Those are democrats. I have seen those that claim Biden has dementia. There is evidence that he does. I've not seen one hope he does or hope he dies. Having a mom that passed in February from Alzheimer's, I would call anyone out for it. The ones defending them or saying others do it doesn't make it right.
It is partisan. My post was of those gleeful about Trump's condition. Those are democrats. I have seen those that claim Biden has dementia. There is evidence that he does. I've not seen one hope he does or hope he dies. Having a mom that passed in February from Alzheimer's, I would call anyone out for it. The ones defending them or saying others do it doesn't make it right.

You want to search "dementia joe" and call anybody out?
That's totally different. You're not hoping he dies and are happy he's got it. Like I said two wrongs don't make it right. It's a free country, at least right now, defend it if you want.

I'm not happy Trump has covid and don't hope he has it. I'm not defending anybody that says otherwise. And hoping trump dies of covid is BS. You cool with the guys that gleefully point out anything they can to say biden has dementia, give him a stupid nickname about dementia, and post stupid memes about dementia?
I'm not happy Trump has covid and don't hope he has it. I'm not defending anybody that says otherwise. And hoping trump dies of covid is BS. You cool with the guys that gleefully point out anything they can to say biden has dementia, give him a stupid nickname about dementia, and post stupid memes about dementia?
No, I said it was classless but it is different. Those are not hoping he dies it are happy he's has dimentia. I've never called out anyone posting the stupid memes about trump either. Are you going to call out those that are happy trump has it?
No, I said it was classless but it is different. Those are not hoping he dies it are happy he's has dimentia. I've never called out anyone posting the stupid memes about trump either. Are you going to call out those that are happy trump has it?

Oh... so its cool to make fun of "dimentia" when you believe someone has it (hard to decipher sentence 2)? In case I wasn't clear enough before: Hoping trump dies of covid or being happy he has covid is BS.
That's totally different. You're not hoping he dies and are happy he's got it. Like I said two wrongs don't make it right. It's a free country, at least right now, defend it if you want.

Crocodile tears are flowing over this outrageous, unprecedented display of libtard mean-ness.
You gonna call out your bros or no?

Are you?

Edit: I think I just did.. I said hoping for death or celebrating Trump's covid is BS. Are you going to say celebrating perceived dementia or making stupid dementia nicknames are BS? I kind of get the impression you won't admit that happened.
I have. I'm not going to call someone out for posting a stupid meme about Joe Biden having dimentia. That's different than hoping he's got it or hoping he dies. Surely you see the difference. It's not even determined that he has dimentia. If I see a poster hoping he dies, hoping he gets I'll, I absolutely will. Now you.
I have. I'm not going to call someone out for posting a stupid meme about Joe Biden having dimentia. That's different than hoping he's got it or hoping he dies. Surely you see the difference. It's not even determined that he has dimentia. If I see a poster hoping he dies, hoping he gets I'll, I absolutely will. Now you.

See my edit. If its cool with you to parse that distinction, go for it. Obviously some of these losers believe biden has dementia and think its funny. Just like some of these idiots think it's funny trump has covid.
Are there any updates in the media about how DJT is doing with the infection?
See my edit. If its cool with you to parse that distinction, go for it. Obviously some of these losers believe biden has dementia and think its funny. Just like some of these idiots think it's funny trump has covid.
Has he been diagnosed? I definitely see a distinction. Like I said, I'll call anyone out that hopes he gets I'll or hope he dies. Like I said earlier, two wrongs don't make a right. Don't call them out, jump in with them.
See my edit. If its cool with you to parse that distinction, go for it. Obviously some of these losers believe biden has dementia and think its funny. Just like some of these idiots think it's funny trump has covid.
I think Biden has dementia, and the only thing about it that is funny is that some of you don't see it, or won't admit it. We all will admit that Trump has the virus..

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