Trump has the virus

Let me tell you something. That guy trump, love him or hate him, gets around better than most people half his age and weight. In fact, I really don't see how that guy even rolls out of bed everyday to face the nonstop assaults on him by the press corps. I don't agree with trump on everything, but that guy is a marvel when it comes to his energy level and ability to be moving and shaking at these different events.

If the press corps had to take what they dish out, they be sniveling, twitching little masses of crap hiding in the corners of their safe spaces ... and generally be known as the press corpse.
I love this and if I lived closer I would be a part of this. I encourage all Christians to pray for healing and also for protection from evil spells that are being cast on our President. Prayer is a powerful thing and we need to use it

Supporters gather for Prayer vigil for Trump outside Walter Reed

Supporters gather for Prayer vigil for Trump outside Walter Reed
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It is pretty trashy to make fun of someone's ill health... unless its Dementia Joe, right?

Nope not to me , Joe has obvious diminished mental faculties and Trump has the rona . Trashy would be hoping or wishing Ill will on either of them , other than that it’s just facts .
I guess you don't understand the ramifications of Trump surviving this. Whatever treatment Trump gets, wouldn't that be the way to address future cases? Obviously, he didn't have a vaccine, so that is taken off the table. But what if he is given hydroxychloroquine? Or some other remedy? Or the fact that a 70+ year old man actually can survive coronavirus? What does that do to the die-die-die narrative that the media is painting about killing grandma and grandpappy?

Do you really think the way to address future cases is to provide everyone with the treatment Trump gets? That would mean everyone would be flown to Walter Reed within 24 hours of testing positive for observation and given an experimental therapeutic that is currently in trials and not available to the public along with remdesevir and other medications. Giving that treatment to everyone seems pretty expensive and intrusive. I hope none of the noronabros got triggered too much when they read your plan. Most of them get pissy when someone tweets out a recommendation to wear a mask and maintain social distance. Pray for the bros if this becomes the path forward for future cases.
I love this and if I lived closer I would be a part of this. I encourage all Christians to pray for healing and also for protection from evil spells that are being cast on our President. Prayer is a powerful thing and we need to use it

Supporters gather for Prayer vigil for Trump outside Walter Reed

Supporters gather for Prayer vigil for Trump outside Walter Reed

Did you? Wait. Hold up. Did you just say "evil spells are being cast." I need to know more about this. Can I get a book of spellz or is there a YouTube instructional video? I want in.
I'm telling you, the guy is a damn ball of energy. Maybe they can put him on a treadmill for a few minutes and get him worked up enough until he is tired.
If the guy is such a "damn ball of energy" then why is he at least 40 lbs. overweight? And seriously, does he look like he spends much time exercising? I doubt he could even make it 20 minutes on a treadmill. He plays golf (using a cart). That won't burn many calories.
Did you? Wait. Hold up. Did you just say "evil spells are being cast." I need to know more about this. Can I get a book of spellz or is there a YouTube instructional video? I want in.
The Biden campaign did pledge to stop running negative ads while he was in the hospital. They should keep their word. I am disappointed if they haven't, and I mean that.

Having said that, I'm sure the Trump campaign remembers how Donald Trump openly mocked Hillary Clinton during a campaign rally four years ago, after she had been diagnosed with pneumonia. She was probably more sick then, than Trump is now... and she did spend a little time in the hospital.
Magic 'style' herb book? Are they evil magic herbs at least?

I figured you'd be on Etsy hawking your homemade beaded bracelets, not herb garden potion manuals.

You didn’t actually open the link did you ? Lol

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