Trump has the virus

Do you really think the way to address future cases is to provide everyone with the treatment Trump gets? That would mean everyone would be flown to Walter Reed within 24 hours of testing positive for observation and given an experimental therapeutic that is currently in trials and not available to the public along with remdesevir and other medications. Giving that treatment to everyone seems pretty expensive and intrusive. I hope none of the noronabros got triggered too much when they read your plan. Most of them get pissy when someone tweets out a recommendation to wear a mask and maintain social distance. Pray for the bros if this becomes the path forward for future cases.
Yeah, that is exactly what I meant. Or, I meant a more generalized treatment that is within reason.
Yeah, and how did that work out for them? The virus still spread like wildfire.

Your logic is akin to saying, "when you screw a hooker, don't bother wearing a condom."

Masks and condoms don't eliminate the spread of disease, rather, they reduce the spread.

There are no guarantees, except death, taxes and Donald's an idiot.
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Turns out, Trump's SCOTUS nomination party in the Rose Garden may have been a superspreader event. Oh, the irony.

Last time Donald caused *ahem* superspreading, it ended up costing him $130K in hooker hush payoffs. But, I'm sure it was the happiest 20 seconds of his life... next to Barron's birth (which occurred what... 2 months earlier).


Oh boohoo. Hammering the guy on his response when he actually got the virus seems like fair game. If Joe got it while wearing a mask you know Trump would use it
I was calling out the posters who praised Biden for supposedly pulling the ads.
Lol, I'd double the attack ads on Trump. I'd run all the ones where he mocked Biden for wearing a mask, touted bleach injections and called the illness a hoax all superimposed over him taking a helicopter to the hospital for simply testing positive.
I probably would too.
Your logic is akin to saying, "when you screw a hooker, don't bother wearing a condom."

Masks and condoms don't eliminate the spread of disease, rather, they reduce the spread.

There are no guarantees, except death, taxes and Donald's an idiot.
You should wear a condom over your face, kill two birds with one stone, so to speak.
Your logic is akin to saying, "when you screw a hooker, don't bother wearing a condom."

Masks and condoms don't eliminate the spread of disease, rather, they reduce the spread.

There are no guarantees, except death, taxes and Donald's an idiot.
Finally, someone on your side said it. Now, can we be sensible and have a rational reaction about these mask mandates? You just admitted that they don't eliminate the spread. So can we give the people a right to chose if they want to wear a mask or not without having the mask Nazis tasing and arresting people?
I have to say, I knew someone would go low but I certainly wouldn’t have bet for you to be first. That’s likely just due to the fact that you’ve been on here like 3 days. Run along, the adults are talking.
YOu should watch the October 2016 video of Trump mocking Hillary Clinton after she came down with pneumonia......funny you should talk about being an adult
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Finally, someone on your side said it. Now, can we be sensible and have a rational reaction about these mask mandates? You just admitted that they don't eliminate the spread. So can we give the people a right to chose if they want to wear a mask or not without having the mask Nazis tasing and arresting people?

Going the speed limit doesn't eliminate traffic accidents either.

YOu should watch the October 2016 video of Trump mocking Hillary Clinton after she came down with pneumonia......funny you should talk about being an adult
Don’t you mean funny you should talk? Anyway, I wasn’t talking about Trump. We all know that dude would absolutely mock Biden if the situation were reversed.
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YOu should watch the October 2016 video of Trump mocking Hillary Clinton after she came down with pneumonia......funny you should talk about being an adult
It's crazy listening to Republicans complain about the lack of sympathy for Trump... who has been notoriously unsympathetic to other people while they were ill.
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Finally, someone on your side said it. Now, can we be sensible and have a rational reaction about these mask mandates? You just admitted that they don't eliminate the spread. So can we give the people a right to chose if they want to wear a mask or not without having the mask Nazis tasing and arresting people?

People have been choosing to be inconsiderate idiots for quite some time now, like, all of written history. What’s stopping them now?
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And never leaving your house doesn’t mean you won’t get brutally murdered. The speed limit a dumb analogy to a virus.

Why isn't a dumb analogy? Leaving your house doesn't typically put anyone else at risk and so that would be a dis analogy. You can be fined for not abiding by a speed limit in the same way you might be for not wearing a mask. The idea being that you are potentially putting others at risk by your actions. We've decided, apparently, that enforcing speed limits is acceptable but not masks. Why is one okay and the other not? Personally I'm not in favor of enforcing either.
Finally, someone on your side said it. Now, can we be sensible and have a rational reaction about these mask mandates? You just admitted that they don't eliminate the spread. So can we give the people a right to chose if they want to wear a mask or not without having the mask Nazis tasing and arresting people?

Dude. Again, by this logic, you'd argue that since driving the speed limit doesn't eliminate traffic deaths, we should eliminate the speed limit mandate.

Non sequitur.

It's a matter of public health. When you are in public, respect other people eh.
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Turns out, Trump's SCOTUS nomination party in the Rose Garden may have been a superspreader event. Oh, the irony.

Last time Donald caused *ahem* superspreading, it ended up costing him $130K in hooker hush payoffs. But, I'm sure it was the happiest 20 seconds of his life... next to Barron's birth (which occurred what... 2 months earlier).


View attachment 311439
That is herd mentality perserved for future generations to view and marvel. This picture should be submitted to Merriam- Webster's. It can be used as both herd mentality and dumbasses.
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People have been choosing to be inconsiderate idiots for quite some time now, like, all of written history. What’s stopping them now?
Its sad we are this far along in the pandemic and some still don't understand the correlation between mask wearing and opening up the economy. The people running around without masks are the very ones screeching to open up. This level of stupidity is only matched by electing Trump to run the country.
Turns out, Trump's SCOTUS nomination party in the Rose Garden may have been a superspreader event. Oh, the irony.

Last time Donald caused *ahem* superspreading, it ended up costing him $130K in hooker hush payoffs. But, I'm sure it was the happiest 20 seconds of his life... next to Barron's birth (which occurred what... 2 months earlier).


View attachment 311439
I would love to know if any of the 8 people wearing masks have tested positive.
Dude. Again, by this logic, you'd argue that since driving the speed limit doesn't eliminate traffic deaths, we should eliminate the speed limit mandate.

Non sequitur.

It's a matter of public health. When you are in public, respect other people eh.
Then ban tobacco and alcohol.

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