Trump has the virus

Lol, I'd double the attack ads on Trump. I'd run all the ones where he mocked Biden for wearing a mask, touted bleach injections and called the illness a hoax all superimposed over him taking a helicopter to the hospital for simply testing positive.
And the right should run Pelosi in Chinatown, Biden calling Trump a hysterical xenophobe for closing some flights from China, Cuomo killing elderly New Yorkers and the fact Biden is calling for both a mask mandate and more shutdowns. Both sides have absolutely played ridiculous politics with this while lives and businesses have been destroyed. But given a gun-to-the-head choice I'm picking the right's response
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Nope not to me , Joe has obvious diminished mental faculties and Trump has the rona . Trashy would be hoping or wishing Ill will on either of them , other than that it’s just facts .
I just saw a poll that said that 40% of Democrats were glad that Trump caught the virus. I figured it would be closer to 60%.
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If the guy is such a "damn ball of energy" then why is he at least 40 lbs. overweight? And seriously, does he look like he spends much time exercising? I doubt he could even make it 20 minutes on a treadmill. He plays golf (using a cart). That won't burn many calories.
What percentage of 74 year olds are 20% overweight? What percentage of 74 year olds can make it 20 minutes on a treadmill? Wait and see how you feel and look if you live that long.
Trump campaign adviser couldn't explain why Trump went to fundraiser after Hicks tested positive

"Oh, hi, guys! Yuge to be here! So, you gimme your $250,000.00 for a photo op with me, and I'll give you COVID! And we're all square. Yuge!"
"Trump campaign Senior Adviser Steve Cortes said on Sunday that the president is "upbeat and assertive as ever" while he fights the coronavirus after reports and comments that the president as recently as Friday was showing concerning signs after his diagnosis.

Cortes made the comments on President Trump's health during a conversation with Fox News' Chris Wallace on "Fox News Sunday."

Anybody ever heard of Steve Cortes? The White House is so decimated with COVID, they're rolling out the 4th stringers.

Making a his first and likely only appearance Monday at the WH daily briefing, MAGA Surfer Bum.

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Then are we really worried about someone with zero clue of our govt? Likely just some offhand joke that this guy posted as real
I don’t think anyone is worried about that, including the never-Trump people here. That was a clickbait tweet.

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