Trump has the virus

I don’t think anyone is worried about that, including the never-Trump people here. That was a clickbait tweet.
I just scrolled they that guy's feed and he's clearly agenda driven. No one has any objectivity left
I just scrolled they that guy's feed and he's clearly agenda driven. No one has any objectivity left
I do not consider MSNBC/CNN the equivalent of Fox, but I do have to admit their bias is clear. The bold faced, overly dramatic headlines on CNN are embarrassing.
I know, I find it so cute when they still try to pull the religious/morally upstanding card. Trump used those cards for toilet paper a long time ago ... and they just went right along with it.
You wouldn't recognize morality if it sat on your ugly face.
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Always such a classy lady
Serious question: If the roles were reversed, and Biden had tested positive for the virus and he was currently hospitalized, while Trump was testing negative and out on the campaign trail... How do you think Trump would be handling this? Would he be making fun of Biden, or would he be expressing concern?
Serious question: If the roles were reversed, and Biden had tested positive for the virus and he was currently hospitalized, while Trump was testing negative and out on the campaign trail... How do you think Trump would be handling this? Would he be making fun of Biden, or would he be expressing concern?
Probably making fun knowing Trump.

What are you driving at?
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Serious question: If the roles were reversed, and Biden had tested positive for the virus and he was currently hospitalized, while Trump was testing negative and out on the campaign trail... How do you think Trump would be handling this? Would he be making fun of Biden, or would he be expressing concern?
Serious question: If the roles were reversed, and Biden had tested positive for the virus and he was currently hospitalized, while Trump was testing negative and out on the campaign trail... How do you think Trump would be handling this? Would he be making fun of Biden, or would he be expressing concern?
Trump would immediately suspend his own campaign, and invite Biden to convalesce at the White House, with the entire staff of Walter Reed on call.
Why isn't a dumb analogy? Leaving your house doesn't typically put anyone else at risk and so that would be a dis analogy. You can be fined for not abiding by a speed limit in the same way you might be for not wearing a mask. The idea being that you are potentially putting others at risk by your actions. We've decided, apparently, that enforcing speed limits is acceptable but not masks. Why is one okay and the other not? Personally I'm not in favor of enforcing either.
I agree the house thing doesn’t apply. I have a really bad one there on purpose. I do get where you’re coming from but one is a virus that you cannot control and doesn’t play by anyone’s rules while the other is entirely within your control. Do you choose to drive faster than what the law allows or not? You don’t get a choice as to whether you spread the virus or not and the virus isn’t subject to our laws. Yes, you can take steps to hopefully prevent getting it but you can’t stop it. Trump, a known germaphobe and man who I’m sure took every precaution to not get the virus, got the virus.
Dude. Again, by this logic, you'd argue that since driving the speed limit doesn't eliminate traffic deaths, we should eliminate the speed limit mandate.

Non sequitur.

It's a matter of public health. When you are in public, respect other people eh.
Dude. Again, by this logic, you think you can control a virus just like Dems think they can control the climate. And I thought I had control issues!
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I do not consider MSNBC/CNN the equivalent of Fox, but I do have to admit their bias is clear. The bold faced, overly dramatic headlines on CNN are embarrassing.
They keep repeating the 48hr thing when the quote is clearly not saying that. It's weird
I know, I find it so cute when they still try to pull the religious/morally upstanding card. Trump used those cards for toilet paper a long time ago ... and they just went right along with it.
I find the left is being more overtly religious than the right at this point as in Old Testament style religious. The great magical powers struck down the evil leader with a virus because of his irreverent lack of enthusiasm for the religious sacrament of masks and social distancing. It was fate.
"Trump campaign Senior Adviser Steve Cortes said on Sunday that the president is "upbeat and assertive as ever" while he fights the coronavirus after reports and comments that the president as recently as Friday was showing concerning signs after his diagnosis.

Cortes made the comments on President Trump's health during a conversation with Fox News' Chris Wallace on "Fox News Sunday."

Anybody ever heard of Steve Cortes? The White House is so decimated with COVID, they're rolling out the 4th stringers.

Making a his first and likely only appearance Monday at the WH daily briefing, MAGA Surfer Bum.

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someone should tell donald to call it the "China Flu".....that seems to work well. I mean calling it demeaning names and stuff is better than science.
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Lol, I'd double the attack ads on Trump. I'd run all the ones where he mocked Biden for wearing a mask, touted bleach injections and called the illness a hoax all superimposed over him taking a helicopter to the hospital for simply testing positive.
Except it would just be more lies. I know you’re just trolling though because even you know he never said it was a hoax.
I posted a link to a fox article which stated that they were concerned with the trajectory 24 hours ago which prompted the move to Walter Reed however they have been very pleased with how he has responded to therapies and have no major concerns in the last 12 hours.
I would hate being his nurse. He would not like the hoops I would make him jump through.
Trump is such an unsympathetic figure that whenever a liberal expresses concern for him, it will always come across as fake, because everyone knows Trump wouldn't reciprocate those same sentiments.
Calling Trump morally bankrupt and then acting like Trump doesn’t exactly make sense.
I have a question. If this is what’s happening, why don’t we do this with all dementia/Alzheimer’s patients?
Wait, I have an answer, because that doesn’t exist.
I don't know if believe the conspiracy theory regarding Joe but the answers to your question about other Alzheimer's patients is it is cost and time prohibitive.
Not if you check his post history
My bad then. I saw a few below that where someone posted a link about some crazy story related to casting spells against Trump. I hadn’t seen that so I guess that was the reference. I stand corrected.

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