Trump has the virus

That's been the main question I've been wanting to know. What if this overweight septuagenarian survives with minimal symptoms?
How many people do you believe will perceive covid differently if Trump recovers quickly with no complications as opposed to him worsening and having to remain hospitalized?
How many people do you believe will perceive covid differently if Trump recovers quickly with no complications as opposed to him worsening and having to remain hospitalized?
Yep, they'll just get even more cavalier. They don't realize when they show up on day 2 at the hospital and ask for the cocktail Trump took they'll be sent home with some advil to come back in a week when they're on death's door.
Herd immunity is the only way to end the damn thing

If you can acquire herd immunity without killing the herd - remember what smallpox did to everyone and the Indians especially (like you, I'm not of the PC variety). The risks of covid-19 were obviously overstated in the beginning, but mitigating the propagation until a vaccine (or certainly reliable treatment) was available was necessary if nothing else to keep the herd from swamping the healthcare system. There were and still are too many unanswered questions.

To me the most interesting is the thought that limited exposure causes a limited illness and resultant immunity - like the initial attempts to control smallpox (variolation), and the thought that effective masking among the herd leads to limited exposure. If you can show this, it's almost like killing two birds with one stone while keeping the economy alive.

Another big problem is system dynamics and how you control the system when there is a tremendous lag time before an input takes effect. It's a little like the drunk driving simulators - delay the input and it's almost impossible to drive the simulator without going off track. Inputs without an immediate observable effect are very difficult to manage properly.
That's been the main question I've been wanting to know. What if this overweight septuagenarian survives with minimal symptoms?

Using what I know first hand and "anecdotally", Trump may lose weight since food is far less enjoyable without the taste and aroma to go with it.
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I was just watching that stunt...that’s like Elvis stuff.
His base will eat it up. But for rational people who may still be undecided, I can't see this as being something they see and say "well, that settles it. He's my guy." To the contrary, it's just more evidence of his selfishness and unfitness to lead.
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far too fast for a vaccine to be ready for Broadway in less than a year. Plus, I've never taken the flu shot. And I don't see a reason to take this shot because coronavirus isn't going away, so I'm sure there will be another coronavirus outbreak further down the road. I don't trust the vaccine.
Not even one from Russia? I'm kidding.
Yep, they'll just get even more cavalier. They don't realize when they show up on day 2 at the hospital and ask for the cocktail Trump took they'll be sent home with some advil to come back in a week when they're on death's door.

I'm sure whatever Trump had at Walter Reed wasn't too experimental or far out there.
If you would've bought in April when he mentioned it instead of running with "he said to drink bleach" uou would be sitting nice right now.

Stocks don't run straight up. That is being heavily shorted.

I didn't run with "he said to drink bleach," although CLX has a much better looking chart from the day of YOUR call (not in March). And I am sitting nice right now. I closed last week up roughly $230k for the year. Keep those hot picks coming. Maybe Alf has another tweet to pump your ev stock before they crater.
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His base will eat it up. But for rational people who may still be undecided, I can't see this as being something they see and say "well, that settles it. He's my guy." To the contrary, it's just more evidence of his selfishness and unfitness to lead.

I was coupling the video and the drive around the block...he went to Covid school, then said, hey let’s drive around the block...I won’t even bring up the book
far too fast for a vaccine to be ready for Broadway in less than a year. Plus, I've never taken the flu shot. And I don't see a reason to take this shot because coronavirus isn't going away, so I'm sure there will be another coronavirus outbreak further down the road. I don't trust the vaccine.

You claim it is too fast for a vaccine to be ready, but earlier in this thread you were advocating new cases to be treated with Trump's standard of care since the overweight 70 year old beat the virus. This would include an as of yet unapproved experimental antibody cocktail from REGN. Why would the REGN therapeutic be ready for Broadway and not a vaccine?
You claim it is too fast for a vaccine to be ready, but earlier in this thread you were advocating new cases to be treated with Trump's standard of care since the overweight 70 year old beat the virus. This would include an as of yet unapproved experimental antibody cocktail from REGN. Why would the REGN therapeutic be ready for Broadway and not a vaccine?

If Trump survives it, then it must be ready. Damn, its only been 2-3 days since th news broke. Far too early to tell. Again, I was simply asking a question... if he does survive, then what will be the argument from the other side?
Imagine that, preferring someone who is cautious, deliberate, prepared, and who relies on the advice of expert advisors. What rational person would prefer that to a blowhard who dismisses the advice of experts and says whatever pops into his adderall-riddled narcissistic acorn of a brain?
TBF Trump has done all of that when it comes to his own treatment. It’s just everybody else he’s said should ignore science and medicine.
If Trump survives it, then it must be ready. Damn, its only been 2-3 days since th news broke. Far too early to tell. Again, I was simply asking a question... if he does survive, then what will be the argument from the other side?

That's easy. The leftist position will be that Trump (because of his position in society) received care unavailable to the poor and the needy ... and pretty much anybody else.
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If Trump survives it, then it must be ready. Damn, its only been 2-3 days since th news broke. Far too early to tell. Again, I was simply asking a question... if he does survive, then what will be the argument from the other side?
Do you think how quickly and completely Trump recovers will impact some people's perception of Covid?
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TBF Trump has done all of that when it comes to his own treatment. It’s just everybody else he’s said should ignore science and medicine.
After he's discharged he'll probably say he slipped some hydroxychloroquine in and was popping a few while at WR and that's what saved him
It was just so unnecessary. He could have waved at them. Reagan did that, right? Maybe set up a PA to say a few words.

What he just did is just so remarkably idiotic !!
Sure. Trump was talking about how the Dems and MSM have blown this out of proportion. It isn’t that the virus isn’t real, it’s that they’ve weaponized it for political purposes. Let me know if you need any additional explanations. Have a great evening Sep!

"Blow it out of proportion?" He said that in February and had no idea how big or far reaching it'd be. Before he shut down the borders and shut down the economy.

This was him downplaying it all, minimizing it in a futile attempt to shore up the only thing he touched that wasn't shtting the bed. He implied, it, the virus wasn't to be taken seriously - and now a revisionist history about the words he used is being trotted out to play down, yet again, something so stupid - it needs to be walked back by "clarifying" it.

Have a great evening to you too, Hutch.
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It was just so unnecessary. He could have waved at them. Reagan did that, right? Maybe set up a PA to say a few words.

What he just did is just so remarkably idiotic !!
I didn’t see it. Was he being driven back home or did he just ride by to wave? If he’s being driven back home then I have no problem with it. If it was to just wave then yes it was incredibly stupid.

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